The strangest thing you have ever eaten

YUM! I really want to try that someday. But I don't think that there are many places to get good escargot around here. DRAT!
There was a restaurant in my hometown that served escargot, piping hot in a pastry shell with gravy. Lord was that good. I've also enjoyed scungili, which is basically Italian escargot made from sea slug.
I have a new one to add...a bug. Yes, I knew I talked alot...but last night, I was standing outside of church (talking) when it was ingested. I have no idea what kind...(this sounds gross) but I tried to spit it up, gagged, everything...and it didn't come back. So, since I awoke this morning (PTL!) I'm assuming it was harmless...
The Rev. had quite abit to say about it...
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What does snail taste like?

Tasted like a rubber pencil eraser dipped in butter sauce.

Has anyone else had flying fox fried on a stick? Philippines. (giant bat)
So is anyone else thinking, "Wow I gotta get out more and eat weird things!"

I don't think I've ever truly eaten something weird enough to be on this thread.
I've eaten a lot of game: bear, caribou, moose, squirrel (yum!), frog legs, terrapin, groundhog, and of course deer, lots and lots of deer.

I've eaten other stuff - eel, escargot (yum!), fish eggs, beef tongue (such a good snack!), hog knuckles, chicken feet, roadkill squirrel, and once, huitlacoche (Mexican corn fungus).

My mom one time ate soup made from crows, my ex-brother in law ate coons and possums, and an 80-year old friend of mine showed me how he trapped and ate starlings when he was young. I don't know if I could eat crow and starling meat (I had several pet starlings, and one pet crow once). Maybe if I was hungry enough...
I was thinking the same thing, until they posted about the headcheese. I read the wikipedia posted on here and turns out headcheese and souse meat are the same thing. Here in the south folks have been making souse meat forever and I have eat it.
I don't really care for it but my mom and grandparents used to make it all the time. I do know what they made did not have eyeballs, or brains in it. That stuff was already removed from the hoghead when it went into the pot. It did have tons of vineagar in it, and it look kinda jello like.
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