The strangest thing you have ever eaten

Here. My wife loves it. She picks it and all sorts of weird fruit from the Asian market. I can't stand the smell. Hate to sound wussy, but man, it burns the inside of my head! Even skunks don't smell that bad!

Did you know you can get durian ice cream???

She also brings home more innocuous things, like star fruit, cactus pear, yucca, and a whole host of things I can't remember the name for.

Did someone say they ate jellyfish? How??

I love star fruit!

Me too! I haven't had it in years though.
I ate jellyfish - cold and raw, in a kind of spicy kim chi. It was so good. I wish I could buy it again!

I have also eaten sea urchin (yucky), octopus and squid.

My sister liked durian - but she has no sense of smell at all. She also liked garlic ice cream.
When I lived in Ghana I regularly ate what they referred to as "Grasscutter", which I thought was local slang for goat.

Mmmm, it was delicious, they would serve it on kebobs that you would dunk in groundnut stew (groundnut was the local name for peanut). Wasn't until one of my last meals before I left I was clued in that no, grasscutter wasn't slang for goat, it was actually this rat looking creature with these huge teeth, kind of like if a beaver and a mouse had babies. EEK!

Oh man, I could still go for some grasscutter right now though....

ETA: In case you'd like a visual...ha!

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I've had fried gator tail in Florida and fried crocodile tail on a croc farm in Queensland, Australia. Neither was really memorable - they tasted like slightly fishy chicken to me.

We have bison all the time - it's a nice change from beef. There's a farm not far from me that raises them. We're thinking about going up there and getting some meat for the freezer.

My cousin's wife is from Taiwan, and one of my techs is from El Salvador. Both of them can't wait until I start raising meat chickens, as they both want the feet.
I love star fruit!

Me too! I haven't had it in years though.

Jellyfish is one of my favorites. I don't care too much for durian, but I had some durian mooncakes from Singapore yesterday and they were good!

I like jackfruit better than durian, but I'm fine with both. Starfruit and dragonfruit I don't really like, because they don't really taste like anything at all.

Chicken feet boiled in soy sauce and a bunch of other things = YUM!

And a bunch of other things, but there's too much.
Gold...I don't think I mentioned this before. When I was a kid, we had been decorating Christmas cookies with sprinkles. After we were done, I evidently wanted more sprinkles. My dad's little pill bottle of gold flakes he had panned looked like sparkly sprinkles to me. I downed them...or so I've heard. I can't really remember, but I can sure envision my dad's reaction.
While camping in Nova Scotia a few years ago. I ate some Periwinkles, the ediable marine snails, that stick to the rocks.
They were good. A little salty and chewy. They were a lot of work for a little meat. The next day I went out and dug some clams from
the Bay of Fundy.

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