the sultan thread

Well, the girls do get red when they start laying :p LOL, but the contrast was so striking, and her bad hair day sure made her look like a boy! :lol:. I guess Elizabeth will catch up soon :). Please don't let Toria know what we said, we didn't want to insult her! ;). Wow, 20 weeks already! Where does the time go?
Fishnet... such cute photos!!
This guy crowed for the first time this morning! He has his little morning routine that he likes. He will sit on the top roost until all of the girls go outside. Then he likes to fly down to the door and run wildly outside. But this morning as soon as he walked out the door he stood on the top of the ramp & crowed about ten times! I didn't hear it though
My husband was right there but I didn't hear it at the house.

Large fowl. He's got such a funny personality. He's always running around like a little maniac. He loves flying too. Practically landed on my head the other day, LOL. Love him so much!

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