the sultan thread

ColorParakeet I see you are in Oregon. I'm from the Eugene area. Now residing in Florida. But Oregon will always be home to me. It's like a hole nother country out here. Most of the people out here who ask me were I'm from ask what country thats in. I can't help but be smart and ask if they finished school.
An update on the little sultan's they seem to be doing a little better this evening. Nither is shaking and are not falling but still real unsteady on their feet. I'm still wanting on a call back from the state vet
Thank you again
ColorParakeet I see you are in Oregon. I'm from the Eugene area. Now residing in Florida. But Oregon will always be home to me. It's like a hole nother country out here. Most of the people out here who ask me were I'm from ask what country thats in. I can't help but be smart and ask if they finished school.
An update on the little sultan's they seem to be doing a little better this evening. Nither is shaking and are not falling but still real unsteady on their feet. I'm still wanting on a call back from the state vet

Really? They think it's in a different COUNTRY?:O

Great! I'm glad they're getting better!:) Do they have lots of protein? Just curious.

And you're very welcome!:)
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Really? They think it's in a different COUNTRY?:O

Great! I'm glad they're getting better!:) Do they have lots of protein? Just curious.

And you're very welcome!:)
they are on medicated chick starter and get home grown mealwormsas a treat once a day. I give all my bird some crushed home grown peanuts 2 -3 time's a week along with sprouts. Could it have something to do with the sprouts. This morning was their frist sprouts. I didn't think about it because the polish is fine but older
they are on medicated chick starter and get home grown mealwormsas a treat once a day. I give all my bird some crushed home grown peanuts 2 -3 time's a week along with sprouts. Could it have something to do with the sprouts. This morning was their frist sprouts. I didn't think about it because the polish is fine but older

It may be the sprouts, they may have a bug but I doubt it. Well, since they're getting better they should be fine.

This is why I'm a vegetarian, taking away a perfect creatures life makes me so upset.
Yay there's a sultan thread!
So a couple weeks ago I was rummaging through the local Atwoods' mixed hatchery chicks bin and picking out the breeds I like. "Oh, here's a white Silkie, let's throw him in."
Two weeks later, my "Silkie" has vulture hocks, a V-comb and feathers that are decidedly unSilkied. I was confused for a bit until I remembered the Sultans in the hatchery catalog I was obsessed with when I was 9.
Now I'm looking at your lovely birds and getting excited about owning one, albeit accidentally. :)
Yay there's a sultan thread!
So a couple weeks ago I was rummaging through the local Atwoods' mixed hatchery chicks bin and picking out the breeds I like. "Oh, here's a white Silkie, let's throw him in."
Two weeks later, my "Silkie" has vulture hocks, a V-comb and feathers that are decidedly unSilkied. I was confused for a bit until I remembered the Sultans in the hatchery catalog I was obsessed with when I was 9.
Now I'm looking at your lovely birds and getting excited about owning one, albeit accidentally.

Wonderful! Another person who just adores the graceful Sultans!:D If any of them are males keep them, the males are angels!:)
Mavis is a special gal. That pic was taken when she was just growing her head feathers - the other "non-fancy" chickens at her previous home pecked her bald & she was sold cheap at the co-op swap meet because she wasn't show quality. She's awesome, fully feathered now & hopefully will be a mama soon! She's not broody (unfortunately typical) so her eggs are in the incubator along with our other hen's with a total of 7. Lucky, right?? Hope so!
Mavis is a special gal. That pic was taken when she was just growing her head feathers - the other "non-fancy" chickens at her previous home pecked her bald & she was sold cheap at the co-op swap meet because she wasn't show quality. She's awesome, fully feathered now & hopefully will be a mama soon! She's not broody (unfortunately typical) so her eggs are in the incubator along with our other hen's with a total of 7. Lucky, right?? Hope so!


I call my adorable tiny Sultan rooster "Mr.Tuft tail" but his real name is King Alfred!:D

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