the sultan thread

I just hatch 12 baby sultans and one mix sultan and silky. Very cute!

Ooooooo! The wife wants to cross a silk with a sultan so I'm very curious, can you post a pic?!??! Please!!!

We're trying to make a black sultan crossing them with white crested polish...
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Hey, all you Sultan people, I have a question! Our parent Sultans' feathers are pure white, and we hatched 4 of their chicks - 2 are all yellow, 1 is almost all yellow with a few dark feathers & 1 is much more dark than the others (I'm including pics of the dark one & a yellow one so you see the difference). Does that predict adult coloration? Does that indicate another breed got in there somewhere along the line (we only have the white Sultans, so no chance of a rogue rooster or something).
Please let me know what you think! These little ones are so cute & each has a distinctive personality.

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