The Sussex thread!

Dotty is 1 today! I decided to try a black and white effect on her
Happy Birthday Dotty!!
Ok we'll I think this is the right spot to post these questions. Sussex is a breed we are taking a hard look at along with Brahmas. I am looking for a nice dual purpose bird. Brown egg layer, good for meat, go broody naturally, good forager and nice temperament.

Would some of you educate me on how your Sussex do in these areas? Much appreciated!!
My SS have yet to go broody so I can't say much on that but they have great personality. Easy going with other birds, they don't bully my bantams like some of my other breeds. Also I get 4-5 xl brown eggs a week per hen (not quite daily layers but close). They are interactive with me (beg for treats, follow me, and generally want to see what I'm doing) . Good foragers but a bit more destructive than I like because they tend to find things first,like my table top vegi beds.
Over all one of my favorite breeds in my flock. There is only one draw back for me is they don't seem to tolerate the cold as well as say my chanteclers or EE's. With out supplemental heat they stop laying in Oct/Dec (temps from 0 to-35 are common here). Being in Florida I doubt that cold is a concern for you.
Hey everyone,
My husband and I are super excited to start our urban chicken family. We're especially excited to snuggle with our incoming Speckled Sussex hen! We'll also be receiving a Welsummer, Partridge Rock and an Easter Egger: all hens due to city ordinances, of course. We're really hoping they all survive the trip to SoCal!

Happy to be joining the Sussex family. :)
pics so beautiful great shots

Your welcome. Your birds look so healthy, where do you get them? 

Thanks everyone! And I don't really get them all from the same people. Some are ex batts, some just needed a home, some were bought because I wanted a certain breed others I got as day olds as broody failed. I got dotty and her sister from the same place as I got their mother. I got Bella my other BO by taking school chickens eggs as they were neglecting them and I was feeding them. Ex batts came straight from the farm then the others were just from this random person close by :)

:ya   Happy Birthday Dotty!! 
The person who I got dotty from is starting to breed them now. So if I get future broodies when a few broody breeds have passed, I will get some speckled Sussex eggs from them. Sorry for any spelling errors, I'm on my phone and in a rush lol
Also have an Ancona bantam from a breeder who was going to neck her because she wasn't show quality

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