The Sussex thread!

That's so exciting! I'm become addicted to chicks.

Yeah, I said I'd never own an incubator. 2 incubators later, I finally admitted that I enjoy hatching. But I'd still be happy to let the hens do it. I've only ever had 1 broody turkey so far, but all my birds are young.
Hi there, this is lilly our light sussex pullet of 18wks, I am worried about her stance she seems to carry herself low. Her tail doesn't sit like our other chickens, she seems happy herself but we are new to raising chickens is it of any concern? Any advice would be greatly appreciated


Make sure your feed has the right levels protein/calcium/ Vit ect

As was just recently told to me.... To much or too little is bad.

I'd ad a vitamin to water for a week and she how she goes BUT still watch her closely.
Thankyou, flockofbantams you are right she is the lowest of the pecking order but they only get the occasional peck we have a very sedate little flock.

But now I'm worried about coccoidiosis as we did had a episode with it when we first introduced our chicks, which we treated with sulphur 3 and we thought they were all over, the only symptom I see is the occasional little snick like a sneeze and it's only her that does it and only if she gets startled or picked on, I would of thought if she still had it all the birds would be sick.

I'm also worried treating her because she should be laying soon and I know the sulphur is no good in your eggs, how does the cor powder work will it effect eggs and can buy it in Australia?

hillron G'day, I'm hoping that's the case :)
Thankyou, flockofbantams you are right she is the lowest of the pecking order but they only get the occasional peck we have a very sedate little flock.

But now I'm worried about coccoidiosis as we did had a episode with it when we first introduced our chicks, which we treated with sulphur 3 and we thought they were all over, the only symptom I see is the occasional little snick like a sneeze and it's only her that does it and only if she gets startled or picked on, I would of thought if she still had it all the birds would be sick.

I'm also worried treating her because she should be laying soon and I know the sulphur is no good in your eggs, how does the cor powder work will it effect eggs and can buy it in Australia?

hillron G'day, I'm hoping that's the case :)
sorry type-0 it's called corid powder. And umm I can't remember if you have to have an egg withdraul period. I'll look that up now.... But it works great! As far as her being sick and not the others is possible. The others could have a stronger immune system. I would seperate or quarantine her and You can treat her and all you birds with Apple cider vinegar in there water. 1/4 table spoon of vinegar per gallon of water. Apple cider vinegar acts like a natural dewormer. You just add it to the water for a bout a week twice a year. Some people say you can do it all the time is fine too. I don't know if they corid. Powder in Australia but I'm sure you can order it online! It comes in a large pack and you only use a very very small am out So it last forever as long as kept in a air tight container. Like a zip lock bag or 2.
Also you can give her scrambled eggs to bust her energy and it has natural great source of vitamins for her. If you five them scrambled eggs they will not start eating their own eggs.
Thankyou, flockofbantams you are right she is the lowest of the pecking order but they only get the occasional peck we have a very sedate little flock.

But now I'm worried about coccoidiosis as we did had a episode with it when we first introduced our chicks, which we treated with sulphur 3 and we thought they were all over, the only symptom I see is the occasional little snick like a sneeze and it's only her that does it and only if she gets startled or picked on, I would of thought if she still had it all the birds would be sick.

I'm also worried treating her because she should be laying soon and I know the sulphur is no good in your eggs, how does the cor powder work will it effect eggs and can buy it in Australia?

hillron G'day, I'm hoping that's the case :)
sorry type-0 it's called corid powder. And umm I can't remember if you have to have an egg withdraul period. I'll look that up now.... But it works great! As far as her being sick and not the others is possible. The others could have a stronger immune system. I would seperate or quarantine her and You can treat her and all you birds with Apple cider vinegar in there water. 1/4 table spoon of vinegar per gallon of water. Apple cider vinegar acts like a natural dewormer. You just add it to the water for a bout a week twice a year. Some people say you can do it all the time is fine too. I don't know if they corid. Powder in Australia but I'm sure you can order it online! It comes in a large pack and you only use a very very small am out So it last forever as long as kept in a air tight container. Like a zip lock bag or 2.

Cor is powder does have a 10 to 14 day egg withdrawl period.

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