The Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hen) Thread!

A feather could fall out or he could stand a certain way which could give someone the idea of wry tail. Being stepped or smashed could temporarily adjust the tail feather alignment as well. Wry tail wouldn't just be something you notice one day, its a physical deformity that would be noticeable for some time.
A feather could fall out or he could stand a certain way which could give someone the idea of wry tail. Being stepped or smashed could temporarily adjust the tail feather alignment as well. Wry tail wouldn't just be something you notice one day, its a physical deformity that would be noticeable for some time. 

Thank you for that perspective. I should have asked more questions before I jumped to that conclusion. Since they were a recent acquisition for him, I didn't really think about it showing up all of the sudden. Perhaps I should ask now. :)

@bronzefarmer Do you have pictures of your rooster? A full body shot from the side and the top would be helpful. How old is he? When did you notice the off-center tail?
I bought a pair off of a local lady that is selling off her exotic chicken collection. She wasn't worried about money, just good homes, so I got the pair for a very good price. Most of her stock is Greenfire. I have been wanting some for quite a while so I couldn't pass up the opportunity.
Lol, the hen laid an egg in the box on the way home. It is only her 4th egg and the other three are in the original owners incubator so I don't know if it's fertile or not but I am sure gonna try to hatch it. It was a big egg for such a small hen.
Lol, the hen laid an egg in the box on the way home. It is only her 4th egg and the other three are in the original owners incubator so I don't know if it's fertile or not but I am sure gonna try to hatch it. It was a big egg for such a small hen.
I haven't found a hona egg that wasn't yet. Mine are very active

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