Label/Receipt Number: 0305 1720 0001 5847 5961
Status: Processed

Your item was processed and left our KNOXVILLE, TN 37950 facility on April 29, 2008. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
I got my 8 eggs in perfect shape today thanks to my partner. I couldn't have been happier as I jsut started out a search today for what type of large white egg layer I wanted to get into and BAMMM large white eggs show up at my door
PO called at 6:10 this morning! Had the eggs unwrapped by and settling by 6:30. Put them in the bator at 7:30, just before I left for work. Not much settling time for them, but I didn't want to wait a whole extra day. Hope I did OK.

You sent a DOZEN eggs!! My gosh!!
They are clearly turkey eggs. Bigger and different than chicken eggs, for sure. What kind?????

Perfectly packed, by the way. I didn't candle for cracks but they all look good to the 'naked eye'.
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WOW, glad they all made it,some were a little dirty but we had a bunch of rain and mine free range. I have 2 blue slate hens and a blue tom plus a X-Large gourgeous Nannasegett Tom I call him Goliath, I will post some pics of them if I still have them....



My 1 BS hen is almost a Violet color. They have been very fertile here
I have 16 babies in my do you know why you got 1
Wow! Pretty birds!! So that means I have some pure Blue Slates and some mixed? I noticed some eggs were bigger than others, so I thought maybe there were 2 kinds of hens.

BTW, how's your hubby? Didn't he have another surgery yesterday???
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My eggs arrived today in great shape. Looks like a good variety. I can't wait to see what hatches.
still nothing in my box.
i've not heard anything from my partner that mentioned they were being shipped last tuesday. I wish i knew for sure if they were
that empty space in my bator needs to be filled

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