The Tale of Mystery and Gremlin


Jan 6, 2021
Southern New Hampshire
I have two Easter eggers, one of whom is a carbon copy of Hey Hey from the Disney movie Moana (legal name: Mystery), and one who is an anxious escape artist (Laura Houdini Gremlin). For the past few weeks I’ve been dealing with a string of chicken issues and so I’ve been a little…high strung. A little jumpy. Anticipating the next disaster. The day after I moved Mystery back into the coop from her coccidiosis quarantine, I went out in the morning to let the chickens down and found a giant pile of feathers in the coop. There were so many I thought something had gotten in and killed them all. Or, the mite outbreak I’d been waiting for had taken hold to such a degree that they’d all chewed off their feathers in the night. Fortunately, I was wrong! It was just Laura Houdini losing every. Single. Feather. On her tiny shriveled goosebump pincushion body. This wasn’t just molting; it was an explosion. She is an avatar of the Looney Tunes chicken that goes POOF! and, out of sheer embarrassment, is forced to cover their fleshy pinkness with sad little wings and run off stage. Upside, Laura Houdini has been seeing past Mystery’s soul-deep idiocy and place at the bottom of the pecking order in favor of snuggling with her for warmth. (RBG is the other chicken in the photo. Mystery is back in the coop, trying to eat the wall.)
Oh no, poor Gremlin!!! She is definitely having a rough moult. I don't blame you for being alarmed to find that many feathers in the coop! Hope she grows in new feathers soon lol. In the meantime, she sure does look ragged! 🐔😱
Oh no, poor Gremlin!!! She is definitely having a rough moult. I don't blame you for being alarmed to find that many feathers in the coop! Hope she grows in new feathers soon lol. In the meantime, she sure does look ragged! 🐔😱
I hope she grows new feathers soon too! She's freezing. We went from summer to fall in about one day. I'm knitting a chicken sweater as fast as I can.

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