The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

here are the best pics i could get.....the first pic is the one i am sure is a girl....see the difference between the 2....and how red the comb and pointy the tail feathers are in the other chicken...let me know what you all think???

is this a boy??..or do tetra tints look like this??.....the white birds are always hard for me to tell....i dont think the combs come in as fast or as red till later!!!.....
sadly, i literally just found out mine is a boy. The one with the GIANT comb. HE had HIS comb way before the rest. the last page second pic you can see HIS giant comb
yes...jallny... that is a pretty big red comb!!! you can see, my chicken doesnt have a comb that big yet.....but the tail looks like a roo to me!
no no no no. if you look at my others they have tails like that. Henry (formerly Henrietta) has a tail that is more spread out. How old is yours?
That is about 3 months right? thats how old mine are, and my roo just started crowing today!!!

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