The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

Didn't offend me at all. I myself am new to chicken raising thing. After reading your reply i searched on BYC about hybrid chickens and breeding, cross breeding thats enough to make my head spin. Question what would happen if a Tetra tint roo and Tetra tint hen mated from what I gathered you would not end up with a TT chick. Am I correct? Its sorta like you can't take a seed from a hybrid pepper plant and grow it because it won't produce true.

Exactly. To a point. You could breed them together and technically say the babies are tetra tints too, however, the offspring would most likely be very random as far as characteristics, since you would be pulling random genes from all the parent stock... meaning you would have some that are good egg layers, some not as good, some bigger, some smaller, random colors, etc.

That is what makes a breed; a black Ameraucana breeds with another black and the offspring is ALWAYS black.

Hope this is clear enough.
A hybrid can breed a new breed but usually wont breed true to parents usually... I think there are a few that do I want to say an Austra White will. I think.
This is all very good info for my curiosity. When I look at these birds I say leghorn but what else is in there.I also think there may be a roo in my flock. Have to take a pic and post.
I little overwhelming to say the least! I wonder,like with dogs that were once considered to be "mutts", if these mutts will one day be considered to be a the labradoodles? So to get breed true like say BO...that would mean the roo was BO and mom BO correct? If my BO roo mates with my light brahma, then the chicks would be considered to be mutts...correct? The Tetra Tints have crosses with most likey a multiple of diffrent breeds until they get the strain that they achive the egg laying production...correct? Ugg..I never knew that there were sooo may diffrent breeds, hybrids or strains of chickens...thank goodness there are so many of you that know these things and like to educate the newbies...
My girls are loving being outside, i think they have grown twice their size over the last few days just having the space. I went out and played with them today and one just wanted to be in my lap and peck my hair, was pretty funny. If anyone can tell the difference I think the front white is not a Tetra and the back one is. They just do not seem to be the same type bird. Any ideas?


Wife and mama to a crazy household zoo it seems!

I read that the Tetra Tint chicks were bred for TSC and can only be found at TSC stores? Tonight I went to TSC and saw the a bin for cornish rock chicks I saw what loooked like the Tetra tint chicks, I asked the employee about the Tetra Tint breed and got the response of " I am not sure what you are talking about, I have never heard of that breed before, we do not carry them.." Does anyone know if it was just a few TSC stores that had this breed and if they are crossed with cornish?
I hate to burst your bubble but, the one center front...Looks like a roo

Ok i asked this earlier in this thread what makes you think she is a he please educate me. I looked around on BYC on this but I can't seem to come to a good enough answer. I think I have a roo too. Pinker/redder comb than the others but I think it is a couple days older than the rest. Now the others are starting to look like it.
Really hard to say with an unknown breed. I would wait and see. I would think that with a newer breed that they woud sex them better to at least get them noticed in the market place.

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