The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

I hate to burst your bubble but, the one center front...Looks like a roo

I dont know, mine are older than these and they got big head gear faster than any of the other breeds. I think they are fast growers because they are bigger than the others the same age. They were marked pullets at the store.
I hate to burst your bubble but, the one center front...Looks like a roo

I dont know, mine are older than these and they got big head gear faster than any of the other breeds. I think they are fast growers because they are bigger than the others the same age. They were marked pullets at the store.

I thought one of mine was a roo at that age too but she was not. Actually now she is the smallest of them all at 6 weeks. Just think their heads grow fast earlier on. Though you will know soon enough

I have a question - do you know if the Tetra Tints are sex-link - I got my 3 at TSC - supposedly pullets - one has got much more comb than the others, but she is my lap-chicken! Every time I go into the coop, she's on my lap, and I can't get her off - she just likes to sit there and nap. They are about 4 wks old now.
I hate to burst your bubble but, the one center front...Looks like a roo

I dont know, mine are older than these and they got big head gear faster than any of the other breeds. I think they are fast growers because they are bigger than the others the same age. They were marked pullets at the store.

I have 3 chicks that look like that and they are also growing faster than any of my other chicks so hopefully they are Tetra Tints.They were also in the pullets bin.They got their wing feathers and tail feathers in faster than my other chicks, then again they might be older since a lot of the chicks in the bin looked like they were all different ages.

Heres one of mine:
(Ignore the poop in the picture a few of them had their first photo shoot today but it was a quick one so their will be a easter photo shoot someday

Thanks - Out of the Brooder - I was getting a little worried about Juanita - thought she might be Juan - but I see other people saying the Tetra Tints seem to grow 'headgear' sooner than some of the others. She is ahead of the other 2 I got. This is my first time with chickies - and I'm noticing differences between chicks of the same breed and supposed age, as far as feathering, etc. They sure are fun!
Okay I think I ended up with 2 of them - I have 2 black babies, 2 reddish, and 2 yellowish - maybe the tetra tints? I hope that the cornish rock thing is NOT happening here - I buy my hens as pets and want them to live as long as possible. I may have to get a few more today - I want more reds lol

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