The Texan Pioneer utility pigeon- a tutorial


Great thread, lots of great info, so hard to find on the web, info about the "Darkside" of Pigeon Keeping, I mean raising Pigeons for a "main cource" (giggles ain't it great to be at the top of the food chain).

Well it seems that life has "redirected' me, will have to retire soon like in a year, about 15 years before I thought. I really don't know why I typed in "raising pigeons" one day on Google, but I did and thought to myself with a lot of free time coming soon, a way to help out with food cost and maybe if I am lucky even put a dollar or two in my pocket, why not look into "Uitility Pigeon Raising".

As a small boy ( from when I was 4 till about 10 when we moved out of state) my dad and older brothers got into raising "Homing Pigeons" and they all seemed to have fun doing so. What I remember most was once or twice a year, they would have to "thin" out the flock, seems many wild pigeons that followed ours home and "under performers" as dad called the the fat slow birds, freely ( ok well maybe not so "freely") gave thier lives so that Mom could make a really wonderful stew.

Funny how things like that stand out in one's memory. (Mom was really a great cook) but anyway it could be a nice way to help fill some time and very fulfilling hobby.

I don't live all that far away from you and will most likely settle in somewhere around "Livingston Tx" so when I am ready I will get in touch with you about buying some of your birds (by the way great looking birds) to start my flock with.

Thanks again for you labor of love and how freely you share it with others
I don't think a great many people end up joining BYC as a result of Googling "raising pigeons", but it's nice to have you here no matter the road that brought you.
Hello again

I have some questions, if you could be so kind, to do with the weather that we have had this year in Texas. Can you share any infomation as to how your pigeons did this summer with the wicked heat wave we all had? What steps you took to deal with all of those 100+ degree days we had this year? ( where I am at we had 30 out of 31 days in AUG where the temp went above 100+ degrees and I know that we are just a couple of hours apart) Did you this year or in years past have to add some sort of ventalation ( forgive the poor spelling) to your Coop(s)? And lastly any other "heat related" info that may come to mind.

Thanks a bunch
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Are you still raising this breed and if so do you have any for sale now and last, if you do can you ship them to Idaho?
GFLofts I am looking too and hope others are still raising them. I was given a few phone numbers for families that just had TPPs at a few pigeon shows recently.
I will try to PM you after I make some calls.

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