The turkey who's gender is in question! (Pics)


Diagnosed w/ Muscovitis
10 Years
Feb 7, 2009
Tombstone, AZ
Sooooo the other day, my turkey decided to put on a show. It struted...and struted...and struted some more! It followed me when I walked away, and when I faced it, it would turn and show me its tail! Whats the deal? Is this a male or female??? Here are the pictures. I THOUGHT it was a female. Either way, its the sweetest turkey ever! I can even still hold it when I want.

And i love the turkey POP noise it makes!


We have two standard bronze turkeys, they are about 6 months old, I am no turkey expert, but the snoods on your birds are alot longer than a hens. Our hens don't fan out their feathers either.
That might still be a hen. My hens mimic toms by strutting at times, just not nearly as much. might still be a hen -- however, if it makes that "pop" noise, it's probably a tom.
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I would say that it is a tom. The snood looks like a tom. While I have had hens mimic toms it really looks like a tom. The snood is pretty long for sure.
oh! I gotcha! Thanks everyone for the input. Either way it doesnt matter to me, except now I know that I need to find some hens if I want babies!

He is sooooo sweet. So gentle. He seems to fluff up at me daily now, but wont attack me. If I walk towards it, it makes that sweet chirp chirp noise.

I wish I knew what all their sounds ment!
Chickens, I got that down...
How do you know for sure? Can you please point it out to me?
This is my very first turkey!!

The snood is extended and dnagles down past it's beak, female will only extend there's about an inch or less.

The Karnuckles under his neck, they are large and lots of them. Females are not this large or many.

Small feather on the top of his head. He doesn't have to many if any at all. Most females will have at least a patch on top of there heads and a strip down the back of there neck.

If you have males and females it much easier, as the size difference will be obvious.

Some times the color of the face will also help. But if they are like this batch of Spanish Blacks we have. Using face color alone will be difficult.


PS the chirping sound is a sound of contentment. It's happy and not stressed.
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How do you know for sure? Can you please point it out to me?
This is my very first turkey!!

The snood is extended and dnagles down past it's beak, female will only extend there's about an inch or less.

The Karnuckles under his neck, they are large and lots of them. Females are not this large or many.

Small feather on the top of his head. He doesn't have to many if any at all. Most females will have at least a patch on top of there heads and a strip down the back of there neck.

If you have males and females it much easier, as the size difference will be obvious.

Some times the color of the face will also help. But if they are like this batch of Spanish Blacks we have. Using face color alone will be difficult.


PS the chirping sound is a sound of contentment. It's happy and not stressed.

Wow Tom! Thank you for all that information! I am hoping to buy more turkeys later this year!!! I love this one, he is soooo wonderful and only fluffs for me. HAHAHAAAA. Flattering. LOL

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