The U.S. Postal Service Nears Collapse

A.T. Hagan

Don't Panic
12 Years
Aug 13, 2007
North/Central Florida
Being a good poultry person the first thing that entered my mind was "what's going to happen to chick and egg deliveries?!"

The U.S. Postal Service Nears Collapse
Delivery of first-class mail is falling at a staggering rate. Facing insolvency, can the USPS reinvent itself like European services have—or will it implode?
By Devin Leonard

Go to the site to read the article as it's rather long.
Guess they are going to have to come up with a solution.
See I was thinking everyone could go get their mail at the Post Office and if you want it delivered to your house you could pay more postage.
Just an idea....
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A.T. Hagan :

Being a good poultry person the first thing that entered my mind was "what's going to happen to chick and egg deliveries?!"
Go to the site to read the article as it's rather long.

The truth of the matter is that if someone could come up with a system for delivering live and perishable items ala UPS/FedEx-type delivery they could make money shipping items like chicks, hatching eggs, tropical plants, fish, most small pets and food items. However there are all kinds of regulations that make this kind of thing tough to get off the ground.

I've dealt with the USPS for a long time in a number of capacities and have noticed a real drop in reliability in the last couple of years. In fact I now just refer to them as the USP as there is no service any more. Locally they have stopped rural delivery in our town, it now is done through another PO, so only one person is at the local PO to sort mail into the PO boxes, sell stamps, etc. Unfortunately most days that person is the local Postmaster who seems to think this job is below his pay grade and, consequently, doesn't give a darn about how well the job is done. What happened is instead of having one Postmaster in charge of both PO's and leaving a clerk here to do the menial stuff, they reassigned the local clerk and left the Postmaster to do her job. Like most cases where a business downsizes, the administrators have stayed but the lower employees have been laid off or had hours cut and/or been reassigned.

To further make a mess of things a couple of years ago they decided to cut the amount of time the PO window would be open by an hour. Rather than open half an hour later in the am and close half an hour earlier in the pm, they closed it for an hour from 12 to 1. Now people who were on their lunch hour couldn't buy stamps or mail packages which knocked their revenue considerably.

With this kind of thinking it is no wonder the company is going under.​
As Woodmort said, the post office is a business.

And as a business, if you make bad decision after bad decision,
they has to be a price.

We have a lady postmaster here...60ish, little heavy. Had a light
bulb out in the ceiling. I offered to change it. (she had the bulb)
Answer? "No, the post office has a man coming from 60 miles away
to change the bulb."

Anyone care to guess the cost of changing a light bulb here? Figure
one hour driving time each way, half hour spent actually changing the
bulb. at least another half hour loafing, talking with the post master about
how hard the job least three hours to change one light bulb.
they have enough money to throw at the banks but they can't find any spare change to deliver some mail, hmm
Of course that would be the first thing we all think about - kind of like watching movies we've seen millions of times before and suddenly's full of chickens! Your perspective changes.

deb g
Ending Saturday delivery would help save a huge amount of cash for the post office. The post office used to not do Saturday delivery anyway.
I've long given up on our post office. It seems anything I mail never gets to it's destination, and anything I expect either never arrives or arrives in horrible shape long after it was due.
The Post Office used to deliver seven days a week until a PA postmaster complained that it was against his religion to work on Sundays......And I agree with whoever said that it is curious that we can bail out banks, but not the Post Office.
Who is "they"?

I agree. I wouldn't miss it at all.

Our local service is great, but I suspect they are the exception rather than the rule.

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