The usual genetics question: Blue laced red :)


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
North Carolina
So I understand all of the bluexsplash and bluexblack and splashxsplash breedings but heres my question. If you take a gold-laced bird, breed it with splash, then breed the babies back to the gold-laced until you get really good lacing and gold-laced blue, how do you introduce the red gene without ruining your lacing but getting the red AND keeping the good lacing? Thanks!!!
if improving the breed is your goal than any bird you use to improve what you have needs to be the best quality you can get. A "red" bird that is closest to the type and color you want.....breed the red bird with your project bird to make your F1..... then breed your best rooster and best hen together from your F1 breeding to set traits you are looking for. You then have F2s..... take the best F2s and breed back to your best original project birds. After that it is pretty much a numbers game. Raise as many as you can and cull down to the best ones year after year. There is more involved to the process, but this is the simple way to explain it. Stop and ask questions along the way, if it doesn’t work try something else, but I do not recommend breeding the GLW to a BLRW to improve the BLRW.

some lacing will be passed on......I have a picture of a F1 bird somewhere that shows lacing
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Thanks Mrs.Turbo, I'm not using a gold laced to improve the BLR, I'm using it to make BLR on a bird that has yet to have that color. Thanks for the information, I think I understand, it would be kinda like this
a.) Blue laced gold X Red
b.) F1 X F1
c.) F2 X Blue laced gold
then basically breed in color improvement? I have been doing alot of research, the genetics of chickens is pretty complicated lol
Since red is mostly dominant I would keep backcrossing to laced birds and select for the red ones.
F1 * F1 is only best if you want to introduce a recessive trait into a breed.
Okay so you're saying it would be best to do this:
Gold laced blue X Red
Gold laced blue X F1
Gold laced blue X f2
Until you get good enough lacing and color? Thanks!!
Try to get the lacing back with a redder groundcolor this way.
Once you succeed, cross these impure reds together to get the red genes pure.
I expect a redder color then.
Thanks Henk, you're my hero
I'm getting ready to start on a project and before I invested the time and money I wanted to make sure I had everything right

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