*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

"A ball? I am not sure what this is. I am more than willing to hide in the barn if I must, and a crust of bread and cheese would cause my undying gratitude, my lady. " By now, Herja realized that this was some sort of soft servant, perhaps a house slave of some sort? Herja was unsure of the local customs, so she tried to use her best manners.
"Find yourself an empty stall. I'll be back in a few mintues," Katrina said. Before the woman could reply, she bolted, heading for the kitchen door. She needed to get food to the woman fast, before the head laundress needed her. Maybe it would be smart to grab some medicinal herbs from the apothecary. The woman looked to be injured on the arm.
Herja turned and looked for an unoccupied stall. It seemed that most of them were unoccupied at this time, which seemed unusual in so great an estate. This ball may have had something to do with the lack of horses. She looked for a stall with plenty of fresh straw in it, and kicked up a pile of it into the corner, fluffing a nice pile to lay on. It sure beat the ground, and it was softer than most surfaces she had lain on. What she wouldn't give for a large animal skin to spread across the straw! As it was, it was more than adequate, and she settled in, her eyes heavy, as she tried to fight back sleep until the food came. That, or the guards threw her in a cell.
( Cluckcluck1215 Flockmaster y'all still alive?)

Katrina slipped in through the back door. The servants weren't required to cook tonight so the kitchen was clear. She made her way around the kitchen, taking a loaf of bread here, a meat pie there, and by the time she was done she had a heart meal in a basket. Voices from the hallway were advancing so she slipped out as quietly as she had come. She kept looking over her shoulder all the way to the stables, sure that someone would stop her any second. Thankfully no one did and she made it to Herja with the basket. "Herja, ye still here?" She whispered Loudly.
( Cluckcluck1215 Flockmaster y'all still alive?)

Katrina slipped in through the back door. The servants weren't required to cook tonight so the kitchen was clear. She made her way around the kitchen, taking a loaf of bread here, a meat pie there, and by the time she was done she had a heart meal in a basket. Voices from the hallway were advancing so she slipped out as quietly as she had come. She kept looking over her shoulder all the way to the stables, sure that someone would stop her any second. Thankfully no one did and she made it to Herja with the basket. "Herja, ye still here?" She whispered Loudly.

Herja's eyes opened, protesting. She had dozed off for a moment, but the sound of her name brought her back around. Her tired muscles screamed as she got up, poking her head out of the stall slowly and looking down the aisle before waving her arm at the lady.
( Cluckcluck1215 Flockmaster y'all still alive?)

Katrina slipped in through the back door. The servants weren't required to cook tonight so the kitchen was clear. She made her way around the kitchen, taking a loaf of bread here, a meat pie there, and by the time she was done she had a heart meal in a basket. Voices from the hallway were advancing so she slipped out as quietly as she had come. She kept looking over her shoulder all the way to the stables, sure that someone would stop her any second. Thankfully no one did and she made it to Herja with the basket. "Herja, ye still here?" She whispered Loudly.

(Yeah.im thinking of quitting this rp tho(
Herja's eyes opened, protesting. She had dozed off for a moment, but the sound of her name brought her back around. Her tired muscles screamed as she got up, poking her head out of the stall slowly and looking down the aisle before waving her arm at the lady.
Katrina set the basket down on a bench and walked down the stable aisle. She peered over the wooden wall into the first stall. No Herja. Next stall, nothing but a fat mini pony of the princess's. She looked up and saw an arm and hand waving at her. Herja. Grabbing the basket, she skipped to that stall "Here," she said, holding it out.
Herja accepted the basket. She was extremely grateful, and immediately set-to. Herja ate with such gusto that it probably would not be tolerated in polite company. She had not eaten a full meal since back on the dragon boat.
Herja accepted the basket. She was extremely grateful, and immediately set-to. Herja ate with such gusto that it probably would not be tolerated in polite company. She had not eaten a full meal since back on the dragon boat.
Katrina watched her eat for a minute then left the stable and went around the corner. There was a well nearby, so she, with a mug she had taken from the kitchen, went to the well and pulled up the bucket. Cupping her hands, she immersed them in the bucket and then drank from them. The cool water tickled her throat. Once she had had her fill, she filled up the mug and returned to the strange warrior woman. "I fetched ye some water," she stated.

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