*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

(Can't wait to be able to role play on here!
"Yes I hope so too" he said with a nod
Edmund led Fawn over to a table where he pulled out a seat for her. "Thank you," Fawn said softly as she sat down. "My pleasure," Edmund replied. He looked about the room, but not seeeing whom he was searching for, took a seat beside Fawn.

(Can't wait to be able to role play on here! :D )
"Indeed, and most unladylike," William agreed. He offered her his arm. "So is that consent that I've finally got out of you?"
"You couldn't of possibly known what would of happened," Edwin consoled her.

Gwen laughed and allowed William to drag her towards the doors. "What interest do you have in going there. The party is inside."

Alena flopped back on his bed. "What'll I do? I cannot possibly stay any longer...can I?"
[COLOR=333333]Name: Arabella Age: 23 Gender: Female Personality: Shy, pretty quiet, calmly deals with whatever is going on. And she often silently judges others, but doesn't admit to it. Skills: Manipulation and self defense. Side (castle name): Edinburgh Rank: King's Advisor (?) History: Arabella has a rather normal history. Description: [/COLOR]
(accepted. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner)
Gwen laughed and allowed William to drag her towards the doors. "What interest do you have in going there. The party is inside."

Alena flopped back on his bed. "What'll I do? I cannot possibly stay any longer...can I?"
"It's much too noisy inside to have a decent conversation," William explained simply. He held open the door for Gwen.

Linnet turned her head slightly to see who was coming out. She could only see their silhouettes, their faces were turned away from her.
Edwin stared at the floor, thinking. "I'm not sure. If it was an accident, that's one thing. But if you drank poison, perhaps intended for me, then someone is going to be in some serious trouble," he stated.
Arabella stood in the room where the party was taking place, looking rather bored. She didn't care to socialize with anybody at the moment, and had no work to do. She honestly didn't know why she came to the party, but it was sometimes entertaining to silently listen to the conversations of others, when they think that nobody is paying attention.
(Hope that's a good start.)
Arabella stood in the room where the party was taking place, looking rather bored. She didn't care to socialize with anybody at the moment, and had no work to do. She honestly didn't know why she came to the party, but it was sometimes entertaining to silently listen to the conversations of others, when they think that nobody is paying attention.
(Hope that's a good start.)
(That's an awful start :plbb

Jk, it's goooooood XD )

Mariah, growing increasingly bored, left King Audric by himself and went to find Jane
(Open, as are Richard, Fawn, Edmund, and Redd)
"It's much too noisy inside to have a decent conversation," William explained simply. He held open the door for Gwen.

Linnet turned her head slightly to see who was coming out. She could only see their silhouettes, their faces were turned away from her.
Edwin stared at the floor, thinking. "I'm not sure. If it was an accident, that's one thing. But if you drank poison, perhaps intended for me, then someone is going to be in some serious trouble," he stated.

Gwen nodded and leaned against the banister. "These gatherings last forever." She complained mildly.

Peter paused his conversation when he noticed Linnet was staring off. He followed her gaze. He saw a saw a tall man chatting nonchalantly with a young women. "Who is that?" He asked, a touch defensively.

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