*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

(Ok silkie, do not kill me :oops: I'm re-joining.)


Name:princess Raina of Alnwick
Personality:quiet, keeps to herself, kind.
Skills:great with animals, singing, wrighting.
Side (castle name):Alnwick
Rank:princess younger sibling
Description:she has long wavy black hair that looks bluefish.she has pale skin and deep sea green eyes.

(Sorry, almost every character I had is good with animals.i love animals, what else can I say?lol)
"I see" he said with a grim tone "No, I am a prince, my name is Alan" ( pronounced uh-lawn )
Mariah laughed lightly. "Oh, pardon my mistake!" She said, though of course it wasn't a mistake. "I think it better to accidentally slight a noble than raise servant scum higher than they deserve, even if only for a moment, so please excuse me," she explained.
Alan didn't know if she was trying to offend him or not, but if she was she was failing miserably "you didn't tell me your name"
"These masks will quite fail their purpose if I am going to simply tell you my name," Mariah argued teasingly. "Does much go on in the kingdom of Alnwick, nowadays?" She asked, changing the subject to one more of her liking.
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