*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Close enough)
Gwen shrugged. "It wont hurt to take a short walk."

Alena nodded slowly. She didnt want to interact with more people than necessary.
"Well, in that case," William went over to Gwen and offered her his arm. "Shall we?"

Edmund stepped outside onto the veranda thing for a breath of fresh air. He surveyed the immediate view. Two silhouetted people seemed to be the only life forms out here, besides himself of course.
Edwin entered the library, making sure to close the door completely behind him. The room was dark except for two wall sconces lit at the far end of the room. A window was cracked, letting in a slight breeze which caused the flames of the candles to flicker. He made his way over to where the great fireplace was. There was still a small glow in the coals, and with the help of an iron pole, Edwin soon had the fire awakened to a small flame.

Katrina set the various bottles and dishes that had been used through the evening on her tray, adjusted it on her hip, then held out her hand to help Alena down. "We'd best hurry and get out of here," she advised
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