*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Alfric glared at Fawn, then turned without a word and backed into the storeroom. He traced the walls, starting on the left this time, ignoring everything until he came to a ladder. He looked up, and sure enough, there was a hatch in the ceiling. He cursed beneath his breath, and bit into the wax candle again, grabbing the highest bar in the ladder that he could reach.
Alfric's arm was shaking as he heaved himself up, quickly lunging for the second bar before he had time to fall. When he reached the top, and pushed his head up through the open latch, his face was sticky and dripping with sweat. He clawed his way out of the hole and onto the floor, his right arm laying uselessly beside him. It would be more useful made of lead. Alfric thought, bitterly. Hot wax was running down the candle as he removed it from his mouth, holding it out in front of him as he stood to survey his surroundings.
"No, it's fine. We aren't exactly close," William replied, smiling softly. "And you?" He asked.
Katrina left Alena to sleep and went to finish her evening chores.
(Where are Peter and Linnet?)
(Haha yep)

Gwen shrugged in a hopefully nonchalant way. "Princess. Royally. Destined to greatness. Yadayada. All unimportant."
Gwen shrugged in a hopefully nonchalant way. "Princess. Royally. Destined to greatness. Yadayada. All unimportant."
"You're related to the princess??" William asked, genuinely surprised.
(His detective skills are through the roof. And this guy calls himself king's advisor? :rolleyes: .)

(Did you see my question?)
(Ah poor Alfric. Such a heavy door XD )

Fawn came face to face with yet another wall. She frowned then gently kicked the wall so as to not actually injure herself. If only Alfric would hurry up and find someone. She knew that she could get out faster and without his help if she simply was willing to take the outer layers of her fancy gown off, but she wasn't about to risk running into anyone in her undergarments. No, wait it would be.
(I would just take it off and run really fast so that no one saw me

(Well maybe if Alfric takes much longer she'll have to do just that XD )
This room was smaller than the last it seemed, but a little better lit. It was warmer too - and there was a pleasant smell in the air, like fresh bread. Alfric breathed it all in hungrily. A warm orange glow was flooding in from under the crack in the door. As Alfric approached it the smells grew stronger, as did the heat. He snubbed out the candle and shoved it in his pocket, fumbling around until he got a grip on the handle. When he twisted it and leant against the door it would not open. He tried again, pushing harder this time. Again and again, rattling the handle, pushing the door, sweat running down his face. "Help!" He screeched, catching even himself off guard with the sudden outburst. And again, "Help! Help!" His desperate calls interspersed with frantic hitting on the door.

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