The vet accidently DECLAWED my CAT! >_<

We did have a cat who was declawed and as he aged he quit using the litterbox and had some difficulty getting around. He was always a sweetheart and we all loved him dearly but I would never, never have a cat declawed again. And I gotta tell you that if this had happened to my cat they'd be giving me free vet service for a long time.
In Germany, where I'm from, it is against the law to declaw a cat. Declawing is considered cruelty to animals, and is therefor forbidden. The reason indoor cats claw furniture is, because it is against their nature to be permanently indoors, and they are miserable because of it. I have had cats all my life, and currently have two, who are 5 and 9 years old. They have a cat door and come and go as they please. They have never, in all their time with us, clawed at anything in our home, and neither have any other cats we've had.
That said, I would be livid, if that had happened to one of my pets, and I would seek retribution (even though obviousely you can't get your poor cat's claws back). I have never in my life sued anyone, but would possibly consider it in this case.
I have a cat that I adopted 7 years ago that had been declawed,
He is a great cat and he has never missed the claws. I keep him indoors but he loves to go out on the back deck in the evenings.
There are 2 other cats that hang out back there all the time since I started feeding them there 3 years ago, (go figure) My Cocoa is the boss and he lets them know it. A couple of times he has gotten into an argument with one of them and he didnt need the claws!
The outside cats bow to the big boy cocoa!
Maby he didnt tell them he didnt have any claws!
I am a professional pet groomer. I do alot of cats and after 20 years of experience it is my opinion that declawed cats are much quicker to bite and often do have more litterbox issues.. I also find that some of them become fairly timid around other animals which I think may be because they are less able to defend themselves. I am really sorry that they screwed up so badly and I hope that your kitty makes the adjustment smoothly. Maybe you can get them to pay for an electronic pet door system. That way the pets who are allowed out can have a collar that activates the pet door while the declawed kitty wont be able to access it... just a thought.

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