The Wally-Gee Bee Journey šŸ

Ok bee friends. I just found 2 carpenter bee tunnels in my run fence. Sawdust substance underneath them. Ideas on how to remove them? I donā€™t want to harm the chickens. I prefer not to harm the carpenter bees either, but they did some damage to the front of my house a few years ago so I really donā€™t want them around.
Kill them with fire!
I mean, if you want to, but I wouldnā€™t go to such extremes. Get a flamethrower and torch them as they fly out.
Sounds like an awesome plan. However the end of the run is 4 feet from my house. Since neither myself or my husband are skilled at flame throwing, I think we will just try the traps. šŸ˜‚
Sounds like an awesome plan. However the end of the run is 4 feet from my house. Since neither myself or my husband are skilled at flame throwing, I think we will just try the traps. šŸ˜‚
Fine, take the easy route. šŸ™„
flamethrower GIF
Can you elaborate? How do you make a carpenter bee trap?
Rather than a long story here is a video. To mount mine I used a deck screw, 3".
in the top center of the trap and cut the Phillips head off at the thread start so I could screw it into the soffit for a secure mount. Bees don't like it swinging in the breeze. Had 4x4 posts laying around, Mason jars and 1 1/4" drywall screws.

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