The weirdest thing you have seen on the highway.

OMG How awful for you and the horses! I'm sorry you had to go through that.
The weirdest thing I ever saw on the highway wasnt really on the highway anymore. My husband owns a towing company and we went on a call to do an accident. When he got in the car to prepare it to load there it was, this woman had mounted a ten key calculator with hot glue to the middle of her steering wheel so she could calculate whatever while she was driving down the road. I seriously think this is what caused the accident.

Oh and I saw a baby bear one time cross the road.
I declare a WINNER!!

We have an ostrich farm here and every now and then they get loose, but I had never seen one on Interstate 15 til that incident. Poor guy made the papers.
I drive truck for a living, and most of what I would say is wierd can not be posted on here.
I have seen many cars wrecked, saw a Hatfield Truck hit an overpass, split in half and lost his load of pork products all over the road, people were scrambling to grab up the product for a good dinner. Have seen, and almost hit a bull on the highway, lots of other animals too.

I will say though I have seen bears, dogs, pigs, deer, moose, antelope, and cows etc... but I have never seen a ostrich.
This wasnt on the highway, but a backroad.

We were driving and I happened to look up and saw this black floating shape in the middle of the road. We didnt have time to slow down and when we went by we hit it we heard it hit the car.

So we turned around to try and find out what we hit... nothing was there. There wasnt a dent on the car either.

Really creepy! Still gives me the creeps thinking about it.
A funny one... a man running in the middle lane of a freeway flailing his arms while carrying a pillow.

A sad one... a truck carrying live cattle that fell over. There were tons of severely injured cows on the road, all with broken legs and other injuries. The way the truck fell a lot of the cows fell on top of each other and smothered the bottom ones. The few survivers hi-tailed it to my neighbors backyard.

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