The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I have a question for you all.... I got a cockerel that is supposed to be a wellie. He is about 10 months old i think. Before i got him, he was with other boys and not dominant and i have heard that their development can be slowed. Helios doesnt seem to jave his manly feathers. Can anybody tell me if he really is a wellie?


Its hard to see his colors but he is a rich dark red, black and irridescent green. He has orange feathers on his wings and a tiny bit of yellow peeking out of the red where his saddle feathers should be.
They honored all the graduates last Sunday in church. It was nice to see all the kiddos, our 2016 graduating high school seniors and college grads.
After church my grandson came over. He was very excited to see the "Chickies". With all the weather we've had, the Welsummer pullets were on the back steps sunning themselves.

He was pecked a few weeks back by one of the hens and has been a little leery of touching them. So for him to pet the babies is a big deal.

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Thoughts on these Roos? I have 4, 2 are smaller and have short tail feathers and are shaped more "boxy" than the other two. The smaller ones seem sassier with the girls than the other two boys. I plan to try and keep one roo, trying to decide which. This pic shows one of the smaller ones on the left and the bigger one on the right :)

I kept the biggest of our 7 Roos. He seemed to have a little less attitude than his 6 slightly smaller counterparts. I mean it's still obvious he's the boss bird but he is pretty laid back. Also, we introduced (10) 5 week old Australorps with our 8 week old Welsummers. He didn't have seem to concerned about them while some of the smaller Roos were pretty picky. I had been leaning toward keeping him all along, that made the decision easier. The other 6 are gone now and everyone is getting along well.
So excited to see my Wellie chick grow up! I've got her, a speckled Sussex, Blue Ameracauna, Barred Plymouth Rock, and 2 Cream Legbars. I'm hoping for sweet hens and beautiful eggs!

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