The Welsummer Thread!!!!

my bantams are silver duckwing - I'm assuming your looking for standard color bantams. Ewesheep probably knows of someone that has some. I do know that Kummer Poultry has them
Kummer Poultry does have some really nice ones! There is another Indiana breeder (Holland lines) has a flock but he needs this year to increase size of his numbers but it won't hurt to ask. I don't think he ships.

Mark Montgomery does have Silver, Gold and Partridge Welsummer Bantams and does ship. He is very busy (he is a bagpiper so he travels alot), and he lives in SC?
Very nice coloration on the birds, especially the hens. I'm no expert, but looks like you are doing well with your flock. vjc

Thank you Cooptopia. I like large sized full bodied birds with good color and currently only hatch out eggs from birds producing dark colored eggs. Welsummers are great fowl. So kind, gentle and interactive. I currently have my flock of Wellies isolated from the rest of the flock so I can collect purebred eggs. They are now with my chicks. They are great with the chicks and at night the chicks roost with Wellies. They use them as a living brooder. I need to take photos. It is way to cute seeing baby chicks huddle beside and under hens and Roosters.
Hoping to find a breeder for Welsummers. I am in east-central Kansas and so would either need a breeder withing driving distance or willing to ship. Really looking for chicks at this time as incubation attempts have not gone so well. Thanks so much ahead of time!

I live in East Central Kansas

I have Wellie chicks!

I posted a few days back pics of birds and eggs. My birds are not hatchery stock are of good size and eggs lovely colored dark eggs. Roosters are kind and peaceful. Please email me if you are interested!!!

I'm sure this must have been posted previously...
I am looking for a pic of two Welsummer chicks-- one being a female and the other being a male.
Trying to learn how to tell these cuties apart -- I hear it's easy -- it's all about the eyeliner??
Is that right?

If you have an educational pic please post it - I'd LOVE to see how to tell these babies apart!
Thanks SO Much!

Hoping to find a breeder for Welsummers. I am in east-central Kansas and so would either need a breeder withing driving distance or willing to ship. Really looking for chicks at this time as incubation attempts have not gone so well. Thanks so much ahead of time!
if you look at the WCNA website there are a few breeders that will ship chicks - Beaker Farms is one that I know does. They do have a minimum order with shipped chicks - I'm not sure how many

I'm sure this must have been posted previously...
I am looking for a pic of two Welsummer chicks-- one being a female and the other being a male.
Trying to learn how to tell these cuties apart -- I hear it's easy -- it's all about the eyeliner??
Is that right?

If you have an educational pic please post it - I'd LOVE to see how to tell these babies apart!
Thanks SO Much!


go back to page 826 and there is a picture and description. not just eyeliner - but the V on the head also helps
Tonight I tried to candle my 1st Welsummer eggs from our flock that I have in the incubator day 12, and I can't see if they are developing, it is even hard to even see the air cell.  Anyone have a secret to candling Welsummer eggs?   I am using a powerfull LED flashlight, that worked well for all previous eggs I've candled, but these dark eggs are real tough.

try a cheap LED fro dollar general I tried the expensive flashlight it didn't work also hold the light against the egg itself
My little broody Wellie hen managed to hatch all 9 eggs I put under her. She's a great little mom. It still amazes me to watch a hen with her chicks, teaching them how to be chickens. I put 4 welsummer and 5 black copper marans eggs under her. I'll try and get some pics posted this weekend.

Congratulations -

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