The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Ahh, our one and only Welsummer. She was the last to lay, and is almost endlessly broody. We are really struggling with the poor thing who wants nothing more than to hatch something. We live in Seattle and have no roos, no chick hatching can occur here. I would love some advice about this. We know how to break her of it, it takes about 2 weeks to break her and for her to start laying again. And then about 2 weeks later she is back at it. I would love to know if there is something I can do differently to help her stop doing this. Wondering if loaning her to a farm to let her run her course with a clutch of eggs? Help! This is our first year with Chickens, I am a little lost on this one. But the poor girl is becoming more hassle than she is worth. Horrible to say.
Ahh, our one and only Welsummer. She was the last to lay, and is almost endlessly broody. We are really struggling with the poor thing who wants nothing more than to hatch something. We live in Seattle and have no roos, no chick hatching can occur here. I would love some advice about this. We know how to break her of it, it takes about 2 weeks to break her and for her to start laying again. And then about 2 weeks later she is back at it. I would love to know if there is something I can do differently to help her stop doing this. Wondering if loaning her to a farm to let her run her course with a clutch of eggs? Help! This is our first year with Chickens, I am a little lost on this one. But the poor girl is becoming more hassle than she is worth. Horrible to say.
You could get some fertile eggs for her to sit on at your place.
Lots of options to get fertile eggs, shipping, or look locally depending on what you want.
Loaning a bird out is fraught with complications IMO.
Where has everyone found their Welsummers? Hatchery vs a breeder? They arent common where I am, curious about how y'all have found them.
I ordered my girl from We have a tiny flock, and going through a hatchery was the best way I found to select the breeds we wanted; we ordered one each of four breeds. We wanted good pets, and aren't concerned with maintaining quality breeding stock. If we ever get more land and start raising on a larger scale, I would source from a local breeder (but I'd have to find one first!).

Ps. My Wellie is my favorite bird.

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