The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Well, with seventeen hens, would keeping my Wellie AND a Buff Orpington rooster both together with the hens be okay? I will be trading out one or two of my other rooster with a nice, young Buff Orpinton cckerel at the auction... that is, IF I can find someone with a young, Buff Orpington cockerel! So, my girls will have a boy that's the same breed, but with that plan, I'd have 15 BO hens and one BO rooster, a Barred Rock hen, a Sex Link hen, a Wellie rooster, and my Red Cochin roo that is being kept only for show (not like he could fertilize the BO hens eggs anyways

But, beside that, I have some questions for all of you. I have a little Back Cochin/White Japanese rooster that I am planning on selling, but I can't sell him until he gets better. Yesterday I took he and my little Red Cochin rooster out of the coop for the first time to free range for about an hour while I sat and watched! I chose them because thy are the easiest to catch
Anyways, when I put them back in the coop my little BC/WJ cockerel got in a terrible fight with the only other rooster tat is his size, a small Red Cochin/Red Sex Link rooster. Those twowere the only chicks in their little box while growing up. They were fighting really badly, but I decided to just watch and see what happened. They stopped after a while and walked into the coop but once in there I could hear them fighting still! I know that this is really normal for growing cocks that are 7months old, but my little rooster came out bloody on his chest. So, I got the old dog crate out from the shed and put a bit of hay in it and that little roo slept in there lat night. I went back there this morning and he was still in there, just waking up. I decided to keep him in there for the day because I will be gone until tomorrow night and I don't want him killed. So, I gave him some water, and some food (properly) and for about half an hour I took him out of the coop, away from the others and let him graze about. So, I took him back in to the coop, put him in that crate, gave him some peanuts and raisins and left. He will be stuck in there until tomorrow night, and hopefully he'll have a bit of time to heal. Here is a picture of his temperary home, with him in it:

Is there anything that you know f that I should do, or that I should be aware of? Thanks for reading this!!!
Can anyone recommend a breeder of Welsummers near the West Coast? I want to order breeder quality chicks but would rather order now and not have to wait until the weather warms up in other parts of the country. I want the dark eggs I am getting from a hen I got last summer, not hatchery quality.
I got another one of those heavily speckled eggs a couple days ago, I'm saving them up to put in the sportsman for it's trial run, which better be going by this weekend, LoL, my DH thinks it would be best if we put it on it's own breaker.

Here is the whole bowl full that I have been gifted with the last few days, complete with one that has purplish glowy speckles on it and some of Lensters favorites a couple of nice smooth ones.

You will have to contact me if you want a certain individual that you are interested. Most of them do not want to be "bombed" with requests that the buyers are not serious about Welsummers.

As for websites, I will see if I can add them on next to their names to gain some businesses. What do you members think??????????/

Pinkchick....I LOVE your eggs.....need to post it in the WCNA for all its lovelyness! I love the Blue Willow china dishes...Mom used to have them as a set but got rid of them when Corell came out with "unbreakable dishes", Yeah right! They broke all right.
Picked up 14 Wellie eggs tonight - nice size and great color. Unfortunately, my broody decided she was over this sitting thing two days ago. We fired up the incubator and had it all set just in case. If we have a persistant broody, we'll slip them under later.

Cross your fingers. Hopefully, we'll post some fuzzy pictures in three weeks.

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