Hi there..I"m new... but happened in here, so thought I'd add some of my extra egg ideas! My husband is paleo, so is loving the eggs (just started chickens last year!) Some go back to the girls, some go to the dogs.... I love the dehydrating links, but that seems like way more work than it's worth, frankly! But there's a recipe for 'paleo pancakes' that is simply one egg and one banana, smashed and mixed together... then cook like a pancake. They are a little flatter, but a little butter, and some agave on it, and they are delish! I also make a seed and nut 'bread' that was on a paleo facebook link.... 2 cups of any nuts you want, plus 3 cups of any seeds you want (mix it up!!) a Tbs of olive oil and five eggs. Bake for an hour. Says to slice and spread butter, but I slice and freeze them. They make a really filling breakfast, or a great afternoon snack, all healthy and good! Just brush your teeth after! hahah I look forward to continuing with all your good info! Thank so much!!
Loving this thread even though my 4 chicks are only 5 weeks old. Just me, the dogs, the cat, a tiny parrot, and now 4 chicks-- I know I will have extras some times of the year. Freezing works well beat them up don't add salt if anything a tiny pinch of sugar and freeze in ice cube trays or little Dixie cups. Used to do it years ago. We would get snowed/iced in now and then in the country so frozen gallons of milk and some bags of egg cubes helped along with huge amounts of food canned and frozen every year, back then. No acre garden here in the city.

I eat very little meat so good eggs will be a plus, they are difficult to find where I live. Experiment with egg preparations from many cuisines.. Some will go into my weekly bread, now usually made without egg. Will give some to a couple neighbors one is 90 and I know her food budget is tight and the other side is mostly organic and basically a prepper. Her 3 recent chickens killed by a coon. Family and co-workers all seem to have a huge appetite for deviled eggs-- LOL good for food days at work and when my teenage grandchildren are around.

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