The whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth

I had my top two wisdom teeth removed and don't remember a thing. Same went for my tonsils awhile back. I remember that they couldn't find a vein in my arm with the wisdom teeth and I almost passed out from that, but if you have good veins, you'll have no problem. I hate having blood taken, so I was stressed about the needle to begin with! Funny, considering I give myself four to five injections of insulin a day! I don't ever remember being nervous about having the teeth pulled though and I know I recovered REALLY fast. Just don't do any heavy lifting or strenuous movement for about a week after the operation. I know that it can cause the mouth to bleed.

Good luck!
Bliss, don't worry. I had a wisdom tooth out a few years ago. I went to sleep, woke up, went home and had eggs for breakfast. The nurse called the next day to see how I was, and I told her I wished I had another tooth for them to take out, LOL. I actually went out during a sentence, and woke up and finished the sentence. Nothing to it.
Thanks for the concern, but the waking up stuff doesn't scare me. I'm easily knocked out by Benedryl, so I doubt that I'll be waking up anytime during the procedure. I had Darvocet given to me during labor for both of my kids, and that put me on another plane of existence pretty quick. Laughing gas relaxes me tremendously...I was dreaming in slo-mo (which is hard to explain...kind of like watching a movie in slow motion), thinking I had discovered how movie directors figure out how to set up special effects.

My best friend woke up in the middle of her bunion surgery, but said she faded back out. She clearly remembers the doc wiggling her toe to see if she had done the job right. The doc was horrified after she found out what happened!
you probably won't believe this but i had my wisdom teeth out a year ago and it was, almost kinda fun!
they have gotten so good at knocking people out for these procedures that there's almost nothing to it.
this is what i remember:
laying down on a table with several very nice people standing around me talking to me in soft, kind voices to reassure me and one of them was holding my hand and stroking it (kinda like how a mom would comfort a nervous kid). they put the iv in which was easy and told me they'd see me soon . . . and then i woke up! i had some funny cotton stuff in my mouth but it wasn't uncomfortable. they gave me a scrip for vicodin and i spent the next week in bed taking pain pills, eating ice cream and watching my favorite tv shows. honestly, it was kinda like a vacation!
if i had to do it again i think i wouldn't even think twice about it. nothin' to it!
so don't worry and enjoy getting to rest and spend lots of time on byc during your recovery!
Best of Luck Bliss, The waiting is the worst part, far worse then the actual event. Try to get some rest tonight. I hope your family spoils you rotten and takes good care of you when you get home. Let us know how you are when you get a chance.
I'm going to give you an alternative.

I had a heart procedure done, called a "cardiac ablation," a few years ago. They gave me some drugs, which have two effects. One is, you don't feel too much pain. The second effect is that you don't remember things very well, so you end up asking the same question over and over. Ask silkiechicken how many times I asked her the same question over and over the day after my surgery

Anyway, I sort of came to in the middle of my surgery. I felt my heart racing (which made me feel physically exhausted), and I could feel pinches inside my chest where they were burning away some heart tissue. When I finally realized what was going on and the pinches kept getting worse and worse, I told them to give me a break because I was tired, and that it was starting to hurt. Well, they must have pushed more drugs because the next thing I knew, I was in the recovery room. Everybody on the floor was looking at me because I was so young. I think I was 20 at the time, and everyone else on the cardiac floor was suffering from heart attacks and strokes, and naturally, they were much older.

Best of luck getting your tooth removed. And about your teenage son, I'm sure he'll drive.... Like a teenager, HA! Don't worry, initially they start out fairly careful, and get reckless later

Let us know how it goes! Hang in there!
Oh Bliss, relax, you will be fine, I know you know that too.
I had all 4 wisdom teeth out on the table and it was great, I found the best thing was a flexible icepack which wrapped around my chin to keep the swelling down.
I also had 4 teeeth removed 2 top, 2 bottom in the CHAIR before I got braces.
All that money on braces and when you hit 40, Your teeth start to fall out!

Good luck youll be up and about in no time!
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My Goddess, Royicus You're way too young to be having heart work done!!!

My horror story...
I was 6 years old and woke up in the middle of one of my heart operations and asked for a drink of water...
I freaked out all the doctors, needless to say.

I had an ablation done in 04, palpitations, and all that other fun stuff. It was from new connections from the other heart surgeries causing misfires.

Bliss...good luck with your extractions!
I guess I had my wisdom teeth removed too many years ago. I had them removed 2 at a time, with only local deadening...not asleep, and I drove myself home both times. My pain pills were tylenol!!

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