The whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth

Mom lied about the truck. I have been hit in the face with a sledgehammer.

I went to bed when I got home, and the pain woke me up right on schedule for me to take another Vicodin. I don't know what the heck the stuck up in the hole with the bone graft, but it's extremely bitter, and the taste builds up in my mouth while I'm sleeping. I'm hoping this doesn't take long to get rid of.

The post op instructions are hilarious. I am not to drive, naturally, but I'm also not allowed to use sharp objects. (Perhaps this is to keep from hurting someone while crazed with pain?) I am also not to "participate in any activity which requires full use of your faculties for 24 hrs. after being sedated." This I guess is assuming you're going to be good for anything other than drooling when you wake up? Among other things, I'm not to spit or rinse for 24 hrs., yet I have a bottle of special mouthwash I'm supposed to use tonight before bed. I guess I'm just supposed to put it in my mouth, roll my head around, then open my mouth and let it fall out into the sink?

I also need to find a protractor to make sure my head is elevated at 30 degrees, and while I'm not allowed to use sharp objects, apparently I'll have enough mental faculties to remember to change out the cold compress on my face every other 20 minutes and also to change out the gauze every 2 hrs. or as needed, but I'm not allowed to pull my cheek to do this. It doesn't matter anyway. Apparently, the doctor thought I was Plastic Woman and pulled so hard on the side of my mouth, that it's feeling very bruised and sore, so I can barely pull on it anyway.

Going under was a breeze, except for the part where the bloodpressure cuff nearly cut my arm in two while I was still awake. They took it off and put it back on after I was out. All I remember was staring at the water sprinker on the ceiling, then asked to sit up. Mom said it took all of 45 minutes, but it only seemed like seconds. Cool. I go for my follow-up Wednesday.

Vicodin is kicking in now and my head is swimming. Nitey-nite.
Glad everything came out okay, lol! Just kidding, have a great drug-induced sleep, let someone else worry about the kids, the dishes and the dogs (if you have all those, lol!) and get to feeling better
awwwww vicodin is great uh.......I pray it lets you sleep soundly.been waiting to hear how it went....... amazing what they can do in just minutes uh......take care of you. Let others waite on you now girl.......
when I got my adnoids removed when I was five and ear tubes in I woke up on the wheely on the way into the recovery room and my mom wasnt there aperantly I took this nurse down with a kick to the face LOL. then she had to serve me popsicles for the next 3 hours LOL.

Hope you are feeling better. I had shoulder surgery last friday (first time being cut open with my consent) and it was the same way. The doc came in and put a shot into the iv and said it would calm my nerves. I told him I was fine to start with not nervous just ready to get cut and go home. He came back 5 minutes later and asked how I felt and I told him the same thing just ready to get going with it so he said I needed another. He came back 5 minutes later and asked if I felt anything yet, I said no and he said well I guess I'll just open the line up and see if good stuff will go ahead and let you go on out. That was the last I remember, I don't even remember him moving away or closing my eyes. The next thing I know I'm sitting it the truck going down the road with my pop and sister to pick up the pain meds. They said I was up for about 45 minutes talking and joking with everyone in the recovery room and wouldn't let them wheel me out. Said the doc followed us out to the truck and everyone was joking because I was the one holding the doors open for everyone else. Whatever that last was he gave me must have been some more kind of good stuff. Get well quick I'll send a prayer up for a quick recovery for you. Have a blessed day.

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