The word "like"...

Methinks I must be a crazy amazing grammer God ............. I dislike the overuse of the word "like" it sounds dreadful........
Methinks I must be a crazy amazing grammer God ............. I dislike the overuse of the word "like" it sounds dreadful........

Tis true, if thou darest not sayeth that abhorrent utterance!

This thread makes me feel so silly, cause I say "he goes" and "like" and "random" all the time, probably in the wrong way too! And my mom's an English teacher!

Two things I don't do though, that many others do:

1. I ask, "MAY I go to the restroom?" I am perfectly capable of going to the restroom, it's just that I need permission to. This one drives me nuts!

2. When I say these two words: get you (or similar where there's a consonant and then "you") I say GET YOU. not getchyou. I always used to do it, but then during a song from choir "May the road rise up to meet you my choir director would YELL at us if we "sneezed" and put the -ch- sound in there. Now I never sneeze, even in ordinary speech!

Maybe it's just a Minnesotan thing, but do you guys say "your guys's"? For example, "Is that your guys's sled?"
The word "like" isn't nearly as irritating to me as hearing someone start to speak and just utter "uh or um" . This is particularly painful when hearing someone well educated (lets say a politician i.e. the President) try to answer questions with out note cards or teleprompters. It makes them sound so DUMB! It's as if they can not complete a thought and they are lost.

beakkeeper: I am from Indiana and yes, I say "your guy's" if talking to more than one person.
I also say "after bit" which drives my husband nuts LOL he says when's "bit"?
He's from Arkansas... I had to explain that "after bit" means after a bit of time goes by.
I've noticed quite a few well-educated news people who drive me nuts.

"at the end of the day"
"absolutely" or "exactly"

As for the four letter word, I am really tired of it. Evidently, it would be impossible to arrest anyone these days on "obscene language" or "indecent nudity." I heard awhile back that someone wanted to pardon Lenny Bruce. Well, that guy must be doing cart-wheels in his grave--he was so far ahead of his time. It does make me wonder what really vulgar language anyone can come up with in the future. For me, I'd like to see an interview with a Malcolm Muggeridge, Truman Capote, Jack Parr, Jonathan Winters, etc. any day. Where are the really intelligent, funny people--A Steve Allen. AND to think they did it without the "F" word!! What WERE they thinking!
u would all hate speaking to me verbally! i tend to use like and u know a lot say i forget the word and im saying "so she goes and jumps onto like,um like,um u know!"
I was born in 1958 and have a horrible habit of picking up speech patterns from anyone around me. So, if my son is talking some kind of jive (I know that the incorrect term for whatever it is he does when he's goofing around) I'll start talking the same way. I pick up accents. When I'm talking to my aunt or cousin from Wisconsin I'm talking like an extra from the movie Fargo in just a few minutes and it takes all day to get rid of it. I lived in Texas for awhile and now all I have to do is get an email from a friend down there and I'm talkin' Texan for the rest of the day. I'm like some kind of parrot, like y'know dude?
I was born in 1958 and have a horrible habit of picking up speech patterns from anyone around me. So, if my son is talking some kind of jive (I know that the incorrect term for whatever it is he does when he's goofing around) I'll start talking the same way. I pick up accents. When I'm talking to my aunt or cousin from Wisconsin I'm talking like an extra from the movie Fargo in just a few minutes and it takes all day to get rid of it. I lived in Texas for awhile and now all I have to do is get an email from a friend down there and I'm talkin' Texan for the rest of the day. I'm like some kind of parrot, like y'know dude?

I pick up accents that way!!
And what's weird, is that I can't fake an accent to save my life, but when i was in london a few years back (20) and stayed with some Scottish university students, I started speaking with a scottish accent. back home in Hawai'i, spent a lot of time with aussies and picked up their accent. but, again, I can't do it now! glad I'm not the only one, i don't feel so strange now!!

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