The world of the dead and living RP ~ players needed

Gen snatched a sandwich and went back outside, unwilling to stay inside for long. Her legs dangled off the rock she was perched on, and her red-gold eyes scanned the horizon. This was the life - uh, death.
Marcus realized he'd been at the store for quite a while. He paid for his stuff and headed back home. He helped his mom cook dinner, his dad returning from work when dinner was nearly finished. As they sat around the dinner table, Marcus picked at his food, all of them eating in silence. Even the air seemed still. It had been like this for a while. Never to be the same again.

Ivory hopped into the shower, dried her hair, then sat on her bed with a book, lifting the book and turning the pages with her mind as she read. She finally decided that she couldn't concentrate any longer and set her book down. She shifted into bat form and flew off her balcony and to the little stream near their coven. She dipped her bare feet into he cool water, absentmindedly walking up the stream, kicking rocks and pebbles as she went.
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