The Wyandotte Thread

If you want to see a picture of a Violet laced Wyandotte there is a picture of one on Feathersite in the Wyandotte section.
today's pix of my blrw flock
3 roos Lucas who is 2yr old,then Larry who is 7m and LLoyd who is 5m and the 4 girls not named yet today before the storm
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I was out in my mini barn doing chores today and brought my camera along. Here's my Foley rooster.



And here's my Foley's hen. The lighting stinks in the mini barn. These pictures just don't do them justice!


And here's another little hen. She was hatched back in July. I believe she's out of Mike Sayre's bloodline. She's a bit timid.


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I have 7 new hatchlings and I am wondering how to tell males from females at this young age, well now they are about 4 weeks old, but it looks like I have 5 males and 2 females. All the males have long tails and the females have short tails, is this a good way to tell?


ALSO- I have 4 BLRW Bantams and now I am thinking they are ALL boys! I just can't tell!
I have a difficult time determining sex on my wyandottes early, but in general, pullets will tend to feather out quicker, so the opposite may be true in your case.
I can start to sex my wyandottes at around 4 weeks or so. The roosters combs start to redden, and their wattles come down. If you put 2 birds together you can see the difference. Hens combs stay beige for a long time and their wattles dont enlarge or turn red for a longer time as well. And, you can start to see the juvenile feathers changing. If they are getting laced feathers all over the body, then its a girl. If they have solid red feathers on the back, it is a boy.

Lastly, I look for the pointy hackle & pointy lower saddle feathers, they are a sure sign of a cockerel.


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