The Wyandotte Thread

Here are some pictures of my tailless white wyandottes in front of their chicken tractor.


heres an update on the ones i posted earlier, i like the way they are coming along, but still learning. what do you think? how is their lacing? they are still quite young. forgive the one it was bolting it has a fuller breast then that photo shows!

bird #1

bird #2

Hey I've got a question!

So I have these blue wyandottes I'm growing out and they are from a reputable breeder,
but so far it seems like all my blue and splash cockerels have flecks of red in their hackles
and some in their feathers. Should I cull these out? Does this mean they carry a red gene or
Contact the breeder you got them from, explain what you are seeing and find out if this is a common problem with thier line of birds. I would defer the question back to the breeder and leave my response to that as I have my opinion here and know what I would do but I will post that openly here.
Yeah I did contact them! Good thing too, it turns out a BLRW accidentally got into their Blues but they didn't know he had bred anyone.
that is proof you dealt with someone worth buying a bird from. Good news for you, and a very positive thing for teh breeder you got them from. I like to see stories like this posted.
Just picked up 8 new BLRW from a local breeder. 4 are 4 weeks and 4 are 6 weeks. I think I have one Rooster in each age group. I will post some pictures as soon as they settle down.

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