The Wyandotte Thread

Here's one of my two Silver-Laced Wyandotte girls named Betty(full name: Bawk Bawk Betty
She's almost at the bottom of the pecking order.
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Sorry to hear that!
I've never liked 'coons. So far the only thing they've done to me is empty the bird feeders. Betty is a smart hen in the fact that she sleeps on a straw bale in the coop to avoid being pecked on the roost! Both of my wyandottes are at the bottom of the pecking order and one of my buff orps is at the top.
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lookit how big...ahem..."stately" my girl is getting! I am so pleased to finally have a couple of these! to venture into the high quality all have such beautiful pictures!!


I was so discouraged when both of my SLW ended up to be very slight in build, and poorly laced...and worst of all, roosters
But so far, Jasmine just has me wondering just how wide her butt will get before it won't fit through the coop door!


She isn't nearly as lovely as the show quality beauties you guys all have gracing your land...but I am still super excited to have this breed!

I kindof thought that too...her colors seem too...muted...but the hatchery I got her from was the only place around at the time for me to get this breed. Her sister is a splash, and her red is really vibrant and rich, but she is smaller, and isn't quite as appealing to look at form-wise (that last picture was her about to get some mealworms off the ground, she doesn't really stand like that).

You know how hatchery stock goes...sometimes you are lucky if the bird is even a pure bred
I still love watching her strut her stuff across the yard...she seems to get wider every day!
She's still a pretty girl, even with her somewhat "off" color. Years ago, I had several hatchery buff Orpingtons, which were attractive, sweet yard birds. I also bought a few "Ameraucana's" of which one turned out to be a blue wheaten cockerel. A couple of the Orps were broody and hatched chicks from this guy (along with Guinea polts and whatever else borrowed the nest). I had the most gorgeous blue pullets and a pure white one. They resembled the Orps, but had muffs, beards, pea combs and the more Ameraucana tails. So, while hatchery stock is sort of a mixed bag, you do luck out sometimes and get pretty birds for your yard and eggs.

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