TheLukeMeister's Chat Thread!!!

Hey, @TheLukeMeister and @DiamondSwan What kind of ducks do you have? I have one pekin drake (had 2) and he won't swim or even try the duckweed in our pond. Thinking maybe breed. ??

XD It's been really hot outside, so they like to hang out in their pool.
So how many ducks do you have?
2 Pekins. You?

Thank you very much. ^-^ A few things I try to live by.

Hey, @TheLukeMeister and @DiamondSwan What kind of ducks do you have? I have one pekin drake (had 2) and he won't swim or even try the duckweed in our pond. Thinking maybe breed. ??
I have pekins. They don't swim that much, but still like to swim.
Hey, @TheLukeMeister
 and @DiamondSwan
 What kind of ducks do you have? I have one pekin drake (had 2) and he won't swim or even try the duckweed in our pond. Thinking maybe breed. ??

Oh, completely leave me out. :p My pekins love swimming, so do my other ducks. Interesting he won't eat the duck weed though.
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We had a hail storm today. I tried to save my garden, but a tarp is only so big. Most my plants are in shreds. I was only able to save 1/2 a plant of zucchini, my watermelons, and part of my pumpkins.

Wow. Who in their right mind could ever think "Deny Americans the Right to Know" could be a good idea?

We had a hail storm today. I tried to save my garden, but a tarp is only so big. Most my plants are in shreds. I was only able to save 1/2 a plant of zucchini, my watermelons, and part of my pumpkins.
Wow, that stinks! :/
Hey, @TheLukeMeister
 and @DiamondSwan
 What kind of ducks do you have? I have one pekin drake (had 2) and he won't swim or even try the duckweed in our pond. Thinking maybe breed. ??

I have 11 Welsh Harlequins, and 2 Pekins. :) I picked my Welshies because they are beautiful, calm natured, amazing layers, and can hatch their own eggs. And they LOVE to swim. I got my 2 Pekins from TSC because I just couldn't resist their cute little faces during chick days.


XD It's been really hot outside, so they like to hang out in their pool.

So how many ducks do you have? :)

2 Pekins. You?

Ah. :) 11 Welsh Harlequins, and 2 Pekins. :)

Hey, @TheLukeMeister
 and @DiamondSwan
 What kind of ducks do you have? I have one pekin drake (had 2) and he won't swim or even try the duckweed in our pond. Thinking maybe breed. ??

I have pekins. They don't swim that much, but still like to swim.

My Pekins don't really swim that much either. But they're just so big and heavy and their feet touch the bottom of the pool. The experience probably just isn't the same for them. :lau
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