There is a critter in my house!

Yes but how did they get there? The OP is from Mass and everybody knows there was a breeding pair of Chupacabra's on the Mayflower.


Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. Takes my mind off the fact I have no idea where the critter is.

We blame everything that happens around here on the Chupacabra. Not to worry about the critter you will find it..... wasn't that it by your foot? or did you just see something move out of the corner of your eye?

I know I know....... Shut up Steve!

I had one of those in my house like 2 weeks ago..poor thing!..(i have 6 cats..) I tried to save it though...

At first i thought it was a blind mouse... in the heck did the shrew get INTO my house??
I bet it's a Northern Flying Squirrel! My cat used to catch em' once an a while, they look almost like a chipmunk, no stripes, bigger eyes, slightly bushier tail... If I can find a good pic I'll post it. I only know this because the first time the cat brought us one, my mother thought it was some sort of Foreign critter and she wanted someone to Identify it, so she put it in the freezer to save it....... Boy, did we have an interesting time explaining that one to my cousin who found it while getting out the ice cream..

Good Luck!
Here's the description: Light brown, no spots or stripes. Big eyes. Tail was between 1-2 inches long, not hairless, but not bushy.

It looked a lot like the Dwarf Siberian Hamster, but the tail is longer.


I've checked out quite a few sites, and now I'm convinced it was some kind of hamster. - - - - it looks a lot like the brown on on this page.

So, someone's pet got out, huh? And found it's way into our house - - - through the attic or basement, that is the question.

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