There is a hole in my duck PLEASE HELP!!!

If I can catch the stray I take it to the pound. If I can't I shoot it. I don't miss, I only take shots I know will take the animal down. I will see no animal suffer. Obviously if the dog goes by and harms nothing I let it be. I have no tolerance for other people's stupidity and neglect. I love dogs, and mine are my children, but I will not risk any of the lives I am responsible for because other people just don't care. I watched a kitten of ours literally be torn to shreds when I was just a little girl, and since then I have a 0 tolerance policy for other peoples dogs running loose.

Also, what I would do is take pictures of the dead and record what you loose and on what day and by what dog (a description). I lost several hundred dollars in chickens once, in one raid, by one dog. I could have taken that to small claims court, and should have, but I didn't. However, I had all records, pictures and everything. We started setting up a trail camera to get pictures in case it happens at night. And stuff has happened, and dogs have gotten in although everyone is fenced in or in a barn locked up at night.
I have started too shoot...I shot my hubbys brothers dog before...but I really dont care whos dog it neighbors dog just hangs out she is scared of the ducks... but there are TONS of random dogs...and the stupid animal catcher aint worth a flip so...I have talked to the county mayor he said too shoot them if you have too...I have 4 dogs ....3 pits and 1 rat terrior ..the pit bulls have killed my animals but very rairly ... they are on a chain and the animals know where they can and cannot go.... and the rat terrior is scared of EVERTHING

anyway...I am sick and tired of it
I have started too shoot...I shot my hubbys brothers dog before...but I really dont care whos dog it neighbors dog just hangs out she is scared of the ducks... but there are TONS of random dogs...and the stupid animal catcher aint worth a flip so...I have talked to the county mayor he said too shoot them if you have too...I have 4 dogs ....3 pits and 1 rat terrior ..the pit bulls have killed my animals but very rairly ... they are on a chain and the animals know where they can and cannot go.... and the rat terrior is scared of EVERTHING

anyway...I am sick and tired of it

sorry about your loss it is time to start locking up animals and shooting the dogs I am sorry to say. I am an animal lover and I have 6 dogs of my own 5 are great with the chickens and chicks one is a chicken killer she is never alone outside when she is out they chicks and chickens are locked up when they are out she is locked up just the way it has to be. I can't shoot a gun in town but I am getting an air pellet gun for stray cats and squirrels. Good luck and I hope you don't loss anymore of your animals.

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