There must be some sort of sign....


Oh, Crazy!
13 Years
Jun 24, 2010
.. posted in our front yard welcoming strays.

This little guy showed up outside our front window squeaking his brains out. We thought he was a frog, he must have sat there for at least an hour before he was found.

He camped out in hay shed for a bit while we attempted to figure out what to do with him, he has currently taken up residence in the house...

He was utterly infested with fleas and weighed about as much as a twig, looked like one to. (He has put on quite a bit of weight, growing like a weed)
I am not sure if he was feral. We do have several cats that wander the property now and again, but we also have strays dumped in the area all the time. (Take our current cat for example!)
Took him less than a day to warm up to people and now he is pretty much the poster child for clingiest cat; he has yet to stop purring and is currently laying on my lap as I type. (He has decided he needs to be wherever the people are, and touching them at all times.)

He doesn't like men very much at all, but aside from that he's even starting to warm up to our Sheltie.
Not sure what's going to happen with him yet, our other cat is a bit of loner/pain in the rear and is not sure of having another cat share the house, but for now he's making himself at home.
He is one of the most adorable kitties I have seen, especially with his lil blue eyes. :p

I am not sure if he does or not. His coat has spotted up and darkened a bit, I haven't seen one quite like it before.
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LoL What a cutie, but that pic makes it look like his tail has been chopped off

Good luck and god bless with the little stinker cause it sounds like you've found a keeper

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