There's a Chicken in the Dishwasher- A true story of my chickies

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Chapter 7: Happy Hatchday
Spring 2007
Today is our hatchday. We are now officially 1 year old. Those of us that survived the ‘incidents’, that is. We didn`t hatch like some of the lucky chicks. Our mothers laid us in our eggs, but then the humans at what our humans call ‘Rochester Hatchery’ took us and put is in a warm place. Even though it was warm, we didn`t feel safe without the soft feathers of our mothers around our eggs. As the days passed, we grew stronger inside our eggs.
After we pushed our way out of the eggs, rough hands picked us up, examined us, and put us into a box. That’s how we spent our first hatchday. In a box. I hoped this hatchday would be better.
Carly touches my crest, snapping me out of my memories.
“Don’t touch my crest! How many times do I have to tell you!?” I snap at her.
“B-but it’s so fluffy,” she stammers back. She doesn’t like it when we’re mean to her.
“Your butt is fluffy too, but you don’t see me touching that, do you?” I say.
A door slams and a human comes out, carrying our favourite thing. Treats. We love treats of every kind. Bread, cooked corn, hotdog buns. Carly and Fat- Guy dig in. I am more careful. I would hate myself if I got food in my crest.
“Happy Hatchday,” the human says.
Big chapter today!
Chapter 8: Again and Again
Summer 2007

Fat- Guy
I wake up to a cloudy day. I can feel in the air that something is wrong. I don’t know what it’s going to be, but I can tell today is a big day. And not in a good way.
I hear Carly and Char stirring beside me.
“I had the worst dream last night,” Carly says to me. “A hawk came and ate you.”
“It’s probably just that the nightmare has me on edge,” she continues, “But do you feel that in the air? Like something is wrong?”
I hear Char shriek in horror next to me. “I had the same dream,” she says, still horrified. “And I do feel that in the air.”
Everybody sits in silence. It could be nothing, or it could be something. Something big.
“I feel it in the air too,” I dare to whisper.
“We will go outside and check it out,” Carly says. “I am NOT losing you, too.”

I must have fallen asleep, because I awake to Char prodding me with her toe.
“There is a hawk in the tree,” Carly whispers. “Look.”
I look through the screen at the top of our shelter. Sure enough, the hawk is there, staring right at our coop.
*****3 hours later*****
The hawk gets up and flies away. Finally. We wait a few minutes to make sure it’s not coming back, then cautiously leave the safety of our pen to go look for food.
I am just eating my eighth grasshopper when I feel a clump of feathers ripped from my back. I whip around, thinking I will see the hawk, but instead I see something else.
The creature from last fall. Holding a clump of my fluffy feathers.
“We meet again, fuzzball,” It growls. “And this time, I’ve brought a friend.”
The hawk sails down from its hiding place in a tree.
“I’ve heard the Cochin is quite good around here,” it hissed. “And I intend to try some.”
“Noooo!” I yell.
The hawk picks me up in its talons, its claws digging into my tender flesh.
“Take care of Carly for me!” I scream as loud as I can at Char.
Then the hawk drops me into its nest and begins to eat me alive.
***4 hours later***
A small human opens the door, treats in hand. It sees me and Char, and then looks around a little bit for Fat- Guy. Then the human sees the feathers.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,” the human wails.
The largest and the smallest humans burst through the door.
The smallest one notices the feathers and the missing Fat- Guy, and immediately bursts into tears.
The largest one and the smaller one stand there in disbelief.
“It’s just going to come back again and again until they are all dead,” the smaller one whispers, beginning to realize how horrifying the situation is.
Then the human silently walks over to me, buries its head in my feathers, and begins to softly cry.
“Again and again,” the human whispers, truly horrified. “Again and again, again and again, again and again…” the human repeats the phrase until it slowly draws out into one long, wordless moan.

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