These are RIR chicks, right? (Large pics, refresh if too big)

Oh, and I'm pretty sure my feed store doesn't mark chicks. The dots look pretty natural too, one of my chicks has dots all over it. Who knows? I'll have to ask my feed store were they get their chicks.
Those dots are natural.
Anyone else have an opinion? I picked up another red chick and an EE. Just a light spot on the head, on all of the ones at the feed store. Including mine. They aren't dark colored, mainly an orange/rust color on the back. Everywhere else it's yellow or a very light red. They are pretty friendly so far, they'll climb my hands looking for treats. Maybe they are just hatchery quality RIRs?
Do you know where they get their chicks from?

We went to a feed store the other day- had a couple breeds of chicks. They labeled these light orange/yellow chicks as RIRs...they were New Hampshire Reds. And they labeled the dark brown chicks as New Hampshires...they were RIRs...

We also saw the box they came in...from Ideal.
Ack! I was supposed to ask them when I went today, oh well. I'll be calling them tomorrow anyways. I can tell they don't know chicken breeds very well, they tried to sell me a chick what they thought was an EE, but it was really a brown leghorn.
As far as the dot on the head.....Black Sexlinks(or Stars, etc.) are the ones that the roos have a white (or yellow) dot on the top of the head and pullets don't. The other colors are not sexed that way, it is by the color of their down. Example: Red Sexlinks: males are white (sometimes a light cream color) and females are red (sometimes buff or even a golden color) it just depends on the cross. You could have some form of Sexlink if they are all pullets, but the colors sometimes run a close shade.
I had two RIR/Ameraucana chicks and they looked just like that as babies. Same pattern, same colour. They are both now very red and huge.
I have week old RIR's that I purchased from McMurray and they look identical to yours. My confusion is that they all look identical right now, but one is supposed to be a rooster. Going to go look at more pictures and hope to find my answer!

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