These things stink, its Tractor Time! Video Update pg3 #29


12 Years
May 29, 2007
Chicken Country, U S A
Its been almost a week, and I cant stand it no more . . .

They went from the living room(3 days) to the garage(2days) and now Ive decided that on Saturday morning they will go outside to the tractor.
Id do it right now but its raining and I want to monitor the dogs . . .

That "feed dropping" smell soaks into everything, its burned into my nose.

I am a firm believer that its gotta be bad before it can get good, so these chickens should taste excellent!
I just bought a whole chicken for the rotisery tonight, $7.82 for a 5lb bird . . .

Im in these things $1.65 each, and $15 for feed so far, I have 10 cross and 2 roosters to fatten.
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Take that tractor way out the older they are the stinkier they are. By the time you are ready to process you will have no trouble as you will be glad to see them gone. Anothr tip try to keep them high and dry its murder when they get wet and muddy
Seriously, I have 3x this # in laying chicks and they dont stink not even half this bad.

My backyard is 15000sqft itself, and they are going to the farrrrrrrr end.

I guess Ill have to make a new ramp for the tractor, the house is raised about 18" and has a ladder right now.
Guess I gotta make it a little easier for them . . .

Whatdya think, food/water inside the house AND outside in the run?

The run is 4x8, so they can get a bit of exercise to darken up those drumsticks and thighs, without too much room to get all tough and stringy . . .

I also dont plan on moving the tractor but maybe once or twice, so as soon as they eat the grass down in each place(not that much if I can help it) theyll be beggin for that nice fattening broiler feed . . .

Im lucky, my yard has flat places, but also good drainage slopes and nice soil that soaks water right up, theyll be a bit damp in the foot, but shouldnt be a muddy mess.
A bag of sand would help if it comes down to it!
I can't imagine keeping them indoors. The first few days isn't bad, but after that, they get nasty fast when enclosed. They do great in a tractor. My wife, who grew up around commercial chicken farms, was worried about my first batch of 25. She assured me they'd stink and made me promise to put the tractor at the far edges of our yard. That was three years ago- now, I do batches of 75 in a 10x10 tractor and it circles our house, within only a few feet. Even when the windows are open, we get ZERO smell. The key is not letting the poo build up. I try to move it 2-3 times/day.
Why not buy a rather large OZONE machine, and have the broker buy a controlling interest in Glade for you. Odors eliminated. That way the poor chicks can be kept in the kitchen for a very short trip to the skillet. A wee bit pricey but way more humane than having them be in the cold, rain, snow, mud, and no bugs to eat .
I keep hearing about how bad the Cornish X stink, and I still have no idea what people are talking about. I don't start them in the house though. We raise ours in a 12 x 12 box stall in the barn bedded with shavings. We add shavings as necessary so the bedding does not get wet. The pen is cleaned when the meaties are all gone. Not before. There is no detectable odor three feet from the stall, and very little odor when you are inside. We put 25 at a time in there. This last time we started with 35 and next time I will try 50. I don't expect any odor then either. We don't put ours outside because we don't have the facilities to do so.

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