These tiny bugs / mites are infesting my coop please help

Another tip I've heard and have done in my coop is to apply boiled linseed oil to roost bars. I also applied it to the wood ladder that my hens use to get to the roost bars.

My nest boxes are painted with latex paint on the interior and exterior so no linseed oil on them.

They say the mites don't like the linseed oil and it fills the cracks and crevices in the wood so the mites can't crawl in them to hide during the day. Seems that it would help that the mites aren't living right where the chickens spend their time inside the coop on the roosts and in the nest boxes once you can get the infestation under control.
There is also this louse powder by Battles which is the only insecticidal one I can find that contains permethrin. It’s also states not to apply directly to birds but use in the housing.

Battles Poultry Louse Powder is a ready-to-use insecticidal powder for use in animal housing and chicken coops to eradicate red mite, fleas and poultry lice.


Containing Permethrin it will be effective against all mites, lice and fleas. Apply liberally to bedding and housing used by infested birds. It is a rapid kill powder with sustained residual activity.
Lice and some mites live exclusively on bird thru all life cycles,
so IMO you need something you can apply directly to birds skin.
How are you doing with your mites? I have just done my round two of permethrin in the coop and on the birds. I really haven't seen any living mites since the first treatment (and there were millions, little piles of dead ones for me to sweep up after I sprayed the coop), but I'm paranoid of more that may hatch and things getting out of control again. I see you are in a different country, so the variety of mites and available treatments may be different than what I have here, but the permethrin has really worked wonders for me. I can't recommend it enough and the spray was quite easy to use.
For the first time I had mites this year. I used permethrin spray. I went a little heavy for the first spray. I sprayed everything, wall, ceilings, floors, on and under the roosts, inside and outside of the nest boxes every crack and crevice. You have to repeat the spraying because it does not kill the mite eggs. I spray weekly now. I'll stop when the weather get cooler.

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