Chick #1: Phoenix (cross?). 4wks 2 days old. I am thinking pullet.
Chick #2: Calico Cochin. 4 wks 2 days old. Thinking cockerel but s/he is feathering our fairly quickly.
I don’t know how much the breed influences growth/development, so I’m not really sure on these two chicks. Thanks for the help
Thank you for the replies...I am hoping the white one is a girl and the cochin is a boy...not looking that way though Does the cochin look frizzled to others as well? That would be a surprise!
I guess it will be fun to have a frizzle The Cochin has had a weird beak since he was a day old chick. I have been keeping an eye on that. Almost seems that he lost a piece of his beak when he was in the incubator? Thanks for all the help!
At this age, any obvious comb growth immediately points to cockerel. In which case, your Cochin is almost 100% male. It's still a little too early to tell for sure on the Phoenix cross.