They Are Growing!!


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
Two weeks ago, May 17th to be exact, I planted some tomatoes and peppers in pots. Look how fast they are growing!

May 17th 2011

June 1, 2011

And my new striped Morning Glories are now blooming!!
Those morning glories are nice! I'll be waiting on those tomatoes....
All beautiful! Your morning glory is, well, glorious!

Shade cloth will help. I always used it over my entire garden. What varieties are the toms and do they do well for you in the summer? Here in Phx toms are about done by June, but I've wanted to try a real heat lover.

Good luck with your garden, and if they survive summer you'll be having toms in the fall and winter, too. Gotta love the desert's 2 growing seasons.
The tomatoes are Celebrity and Cherokee Purple. They are full of flowers, so are the peppers... I have one tomato, very green on the Celebrity. Where I have them they are in the shade from about 3:00pm on. So that ought to help them when it gets really hot here.

Usually I only get peppers in the fall, I am surprised with the amount on flowers on the pepper plants. My strawberries are blooming again, and putting out new runners!

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