They are so funny


10 Years
Nov 17, 2009
Republic of Panama
My neighbors chickens free range and they've learned that they get a treat when I go to the compost pile. This morning I headed out the kitchen door, nothing in hand, I went the other direction to change the water on our young trees. Geesh, did I have a fan club! They were following me clucking and really excited thinking they were in for some good munchies. It wasn't until I headed down the hill to the lower section when they suddenly realized that was not the way to the compost pile! Oh and they also like the fact that I leave a bowl of water out just for them, I haven't the heart to tell them it's for our outside dog!
they will probably have you trained soon to bring other treats....and their own waterdish.....and to start turning over rock for tasty bugs....chickens are fun!!!
We don't have our own chickens yet but plan to in the very near future. We have been really busy building our house and that has taken up a lot of our time. That and taking care of our two fur babies is about all we could cope with. Word of note, if any one is thinking about building your own house-think again! Too stressful. But it's just about to the point where we can move into it! Any way...back to the chickens, they spend all day over here. There is a lot of area for them to scratch around and find goodies. Thanks for the great thought about turning over the rocks for them to find more goodies. I think i just may start to do that.

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