They are using chickens eggs for H1N1!!

Nothing new. That's why I don't take flu shots because I'm allergic to eggs.

I have a chicken egg intolerance. I got the flu shot and forgot all about chicken eggs being used to grow the virus. I had a great big hot burning lump at the injection site for 2 weeks. So, yeah, don't do THAT anymore!​
My husband is allergic to duck eggs. He must have had an injection from a virus grown in a duck egg. it isn't something one eats offten, if you don't raise ducks. One of my son's friends did, and wanting to support his endevors...well, I just about killed that great husband of mine. Food allergies are nothing to sneeze at.
I have ducks because of my chicken egg issue. Their are some people who are not allergic to chicken eggs that are allergic to quail eggs. The protein in the eggs of each different kind of bird is just a little different.
I didn't know people could be alergic to EGGS and have CHICKENS! wouldn't you be allergic to the chickens too?
wouldn't you be allergic to the chickens too?

No. It is a specific protein in the egg white that usually triggers an allergy.​
I knew they used eggs, but I didn't know they have to incubate fertile eggs for 10 days before introducing the influenza virus to them. It's kinda gross, but if it saves lives.....
too bad there isn't some way for the hatcheries to determine sex of an egg.. then they could give all of their unwanted roosters to the vaccine companies. seems like with all of this knowlege we have, they should be able to come up with a way to do that.
If they didn't use chickens then more humans would die. It is a trade off.
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A buddy of mine visited an Amish farm once to look at their goat dairy operation. On the property was a huge barn with 8' conertina-topped chainlink fences around it. He asked the owner of the farm what that barn was.

They walked over a little closer and the Amish guy kinda grinned and looked up at the sky.... He said "Somewhere up there, there's a satellite taking pictures of us right now."

My buddy was like...WTH?

The Amish guy went on to tell him that he had a contract with the US government for fertilized hen's eggs, for the production of vaccines. My buddy said he thought it had something to do with the military, or something like that... At any rate, this particular barn was locked down six ways from Sunday and was clearly large enough to be cranking out thousands upon thousands of eggs per day..

I thought it was a neat story..

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