They grow so fast!


10 Years
Jun 2, 2009
Northeast Ohio
My baby Mille fleur D'Uccles are 5 weeks old now, and I can't believe how fast they've grown!
I started out with these tiny little fuzzballs



And ended up with these



We love our babies, they've all got such personality!

Hopefully, I get their coop, and run finished this week so they can get out of the basement, and start living like real chickens! I've got 5 Easter egger hens, and a Buckeye roo coming on May 10th, and I need the brooder!
The pic of them lined up is funny, looks like they are demanding more space. They are all really cute! I may possibly get Mille fleur D'Uccles in my order that ships tomorrow. It's a feather-legged bantam mix, so I'm not sure yet what they will be, but the options are Cochins, Silkies, Brahmas, and Mill Fleurs, which I had never heard of before. It's good to hear they have great personalities, that's what I'm hoping for!
Today is the first time they've ever been out of the house, so I put them in a dog crate for their own protection, and set them on the porch. I found a stick, and put it in to see if they would try roosting. It took a little while, but they figured it out, and monkey see, monkey do, there were 4 of them on there. It was funny to watch them try to balance on that stick, as it twisted back and forth, and they all wanted a better grip. They crack me up!

We have one half d'Uccle, half Serama hen, and she's our favorite. We want more! I have five pure d'Uccle hatching eggs under one of our bantams, due to hatch this week. Fingers crossed!

And a clutch just hatched out yesterday, with two feather footed cuties in it. They must be from the eggs of our half d'Uccle hen. I hope they turn out to be hens so we can keep them both.

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